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You can take it to vets for a hormone injection which will bring her into season again and stop the fertilized eggs sticking to lining of the whomb.It can mess up their cycle for a while but can sometimes be a better option than unwanted pups

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She might miss a season or two after,some people claim its messed up their bitches seasons completly but some never have a prob,not sure how much it is but i think it needs to be done 3 days after mating so best to give your vet a ring :victory:

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Get her pissed on vodka and throw her down the stairs :laugh:


Sorry, only kidding :icon_redface: The jab would be your best bet, its kinda like the morning after pill for dogs. Although as other have said it will mess up her season and its a drastic measure to take, but if you dont have the facilities or time etc to care for pups, it would be a cheaper and more sensible option. Good luck ;)

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