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Shiting blood the vet should not off sent it home in the 1st place

Souns like Gastroenteritis to me, think it needs to be in the vets on a drip

Well the wee bitch seems back to normal! Vet insists although all is well on the outside, inside maybe a different story so it's blood samples every month for a while, she had hepatitis, jaundice, and

Both kidneys AND liver are affected by lepto: http://www.labbies.com/lepto.htm


There are two types of pyometra (infection of uterus) Closed and open. Open is very obvious as pus is discharged from the vagina. In the closed pyometra, the infection is retained inside the uterus and makes diagnosis more difficult by the layman. One sign is drinking a lot more than usual, plus the fact that most, not all, pyometras occur after the end of the bitch's season.

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Wee update still at vet, staying there till Friday, shes on her feet, wagging her tail, the yellowness is all but gone, she even managed 3 small meals today, she has hepatitis so I'll need to do my homework to see what shes up against, the vet said although signs are good today she could relapse tomorrow and not to build my hopes up, he says it's down to the dog now and how her body fights it

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The best of luck with her..and i think luck will be on her side with her being young..when my dog went down hill she never really recovered..so im thiking the sign's your pup is showing is on the positive side.. :victory: .

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It seems alot of different ailments give the same symptoms as that. My first guess was parvo but then I read through the other comments. Had a setter bitch pup that showed those symptoms exactly. Brought her to the vet and she tested her for parvo. Tested positive and spent the next week in the vets on a drip. Thankfully she pulled through and shes back on top form again. I hope your bitch does the same. All the best Mark.

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If its canine hepatitis mate the main way of catching it is through an infected dogs crap pish or saliva .... So maybe you could narrow down how the dog caught it ..........


That I do not know mate, one day she was fine, the next well how it is, i got her at 6-8mth old and I assumed she was jabbed, i now dont think she was, my other 2 dogs are fine, I don't know how she caught it.

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Got the bitch back today although I've to take her back in tomorrow for tests, 100 times better her poo isnt solid but isn't like water either, as the vet says he's got to do tests as the blood still doesn't look right, and it's not to say that in a month she might not relapse, but I'm just happy to have her back and I'll take each day as it comes.

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