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Guest Lurcherbitch

Frank has left :cry:



Why LB?



Someone had a go at him....about how many dogs he was asking after and messing about. so he went. I told him not to, and to take it on chin...but he whent to smoochers :cry:

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Had he actually ordered dogs off a few folk then? Just asking cos he had expressed an interest in my mates bitch, who he is planning on breeding as soon as she breaks down, but I told him they would be spoken for as this guy doesnt breed very often, only when his bitches are finished and he wants something for himself. He gave me his number and told me to get in touch if anything came up, seemed like a nice fella to me, Its a shame he felt he had to leave the site cos of it :blink:

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i put a post up last night in reply to him

asking me how i stuck my neck out for him

trying to get him a pup.

dont think it was over the top and cant see it being the sole

reason for this to happen.

has to be more to it as i loged of after i put up post.

and was gone today which i tought i would at least of got a reply .

have a feeling a few people went out of their way for him

only to be let down .

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

Absolutely nothing to do with me all this, what ever it is. I never even looked at the original Thread. I thought Frank had his little whipper. If he'd since got a second Dog, so be it. I'm to pushed to read about Everyone's new Dogs.


But I'd just like to say - and I don't think Frank would be offended; Frank and I exchanged a couple of notes a night or two back. From what little he said it was plain and clear that things in the House of Frank are Not as smooth as we - or he - may have wished.


What I'm saying is; The poor guy's probably in utter turmoil right about now. Please bear this in mind. That's all.

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I am not having a go at Frank over this, I don’t think he should have left, and still feel he should come back, f**k it would take more that a bit of stick to drive me away, but I do think he was in the right mind when he ordered dogs off the lads, and also the right mind when he bought his new dog, so a simple pm to the lads involved would have gone along way.



Thats all.

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