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How to get a dark glossy coat?

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My lurcher is around two and a half now. She had a really black glossy coat up until about a year ago. Her coat is still good in places like her head and legs but her sides and back have gone light and she has like small dandruff and a powdery thing going on!


feed her on raw meat and bones and also fish, cod liver oil and even tried evening primrose but still can't get it to darken down with a nice shine.


Is there any other advice you experts could give please? Many thanks, ad.

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If your feeding fish you don't need cod liver oil - you could be giving to much.


Try some kelp in her diet and one trick we used to do especially with the horse's

is use baby wipes, use unscented ones - groom her first and then go over her with one or two of them,

it helps get some the crap out of the coat and gets rid of some of the dandruff.


Or you could bath her - sometimes the coat drys out especially if there's a lot of dirt in the coat,

bathing will also help loosen up any dead coat and help it come out much easier

if shes a kennel dog i probably wouldn't do this till its much warmer though.

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