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Enthusiastic amateur

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owdo all. This site was recommended by a fella I see out catching moles, so here I am. Currently using a cheap Russian air rifle due to making the silly mistake of selling my gear when I moved to Coventry, so I'm getting back into it. Got a border Collie who loves putting the rabbits away, hopefully one day he'll get the idea and catch them instead. I've got permission to shoot 70 acres which was crawling with wabbits who seem to have become shy since end of last summer. Maybe the buzzard is making them nocturnal. I make traditional longbows and artillery, do some leatherwork, mostly functional rather than decorative. Looking for something like a whippet or lurcher to put our Collie to as I'd like one of the offspring. Keen to go air gun vermin shooting and once this longbow is sold, I'll be upgrading my gun.

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Thanks for the welcome :bye: I'll spend some time lurking before I jump into anything. Looks a good resource that will compliment my viewing of Fieldsports Britain on youtube. Re-learning stuff forgotten and catching up with new stuff. All I have to do now is get and do it

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