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Charity Paintball For Treats for Troops....

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Hello THLF Members,


My name is Gareth, I am trying to do a bit of research, to see what numbers from the forum would be interested in doing a one off days Paintball event.

The location would be Bassetts Pole Birmingham (which is no were near Birmingham). This day would not be a normal small games day, I would be looking to run it as one BIG game over around 100= acres of the site. The day would be filled will military scenario and missions, all player would be able to par take in these missions if they so chose. The price is yet to be confirmed but i will post this as soon as i have confirmed, the date would be Bank holiday Monday (August), 0.900 start and finish around 14.00.


The event will be on a fist come first served basis and is being limited to 100 players, my plans are to have a small draw for some prizes at the end for the 100 players who attend just say thank you for attending. I am working on getting free lunch included and few other bits. This is a real good cause people I know that there are some who support this on here any way, but it is going to be a nice day out with families being welcomed along as well. Like I have said this is only the scouting mission to see what interest people would have, Please can i ask only email or contact me if you REALL will turn up as these numbers will for my statistics when i consult my close friend who owns the site.


Thank you for reading, hope to see you soon. ( excuse spelling and punctuation)


Kind Regards


Gareth Dace

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Used to play paintball at Bassets Pole years ago, painted a fox on one occasion.It's a brilliant site, the trench arena was my favourite. I got nicknamed swampthing cos I used to go upto my head in a stinking pond. :gunsmilie:

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