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Guest Lurcherbitch
its not my bitch and as for bad feet let have a look at youre dog then everton that if you got any or are you anti



Dont rise to the bait...he/she obviously joined up to knock you. ;)

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its not my bitch and as for bad feet let have a look at youre dog then everton that if you got any or are you anti f-cking prick



Ok then its not your bitch, but do you know why he is selling it.



Folks please take it easy on Evertonian, he’s most likely a special person, and then again he sounds like he’s a prick, so kill the b*****d. :laugh::laugh:

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its not my bitch and as for bad feet let have a look at youre dog then everton that if you got any or are you anti f-cking prick



Ok then its not your bitch, but do you know why he is selling it.



Folks please take it easy on Evertonian, he’s most likely a special person, and then again he sounds like he’s a prick, so kill the b*****d. :laugh::laugh:




good hunting



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the feet on the dog look terrible got a good piece of 3x3 you can have for free if you like......

so you've joined, then waited 18 days to make one retarded post. nice going! :clapper:

f**k these antis are getting thicker by the day :laugh:


anyways, feet look ok to be, could benefit from a bit of road walking to tighten them up a tad. legs like treetrunks! nice to see a lurcher x lurcher for sale, most dogs are known crosses these days. but sometimes you can't beat a good old bitsa :good:

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Guest evertonian

i have three outdoor dogs and two indoor dogs and and go hunting with them almost every weekend ........


i just aint posted untill now cause there wasnt anything worth posting back too?????

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