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Hunting poems

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The old lurcher


She follows her master to the door,

Sorry old girl you carnt come anymore,

She here's the car drive away,

But home alone she as to stay.

Inside her heart is young,

Longing for the job once done,

But now all she can do is dream,

Of rabbits she as chased down the beam,

Her eyes av lost some of there glow,

And her old deadly pace is slow,

Her lovely coat as turned to grey,

And now she sleeps more by day.





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Hunting by Kevin Seales



Hunting season is coming up

And deer is your main prey

Wear bright colors, so you wont get stuck

Taking your life away


When sitting in a tree stand

Or walking along with others

Make sure what you see is not a man

Waiting for deer in a gutter


Safety is the most important thing

When hunting with a bow or a gun

A terrible tragedy they can bring

When using them just for fun


So take my advise and play it safe

Hunting is not a game

Take your time, it's not a race

The results will still be the same





Edited by Tobster838
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