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Anyone Else's Lurcher a Thieving Little Bugger

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Yep my dog takes everything from the sky remote which he has destroyed two of,socks which he takes and hides ,kids Teddy bears which sadly don't survive the ordeal, any food from the table,counter fridge , everything has to be either hidden or out of reach lol Hes stupid but funny , some times I look at his big face that has a massive grin on it and wonder what goes on in his head lol

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Comes with the teritory,   In the past,,, A lurcher who stole everything not nailed down, in an effort to cure it, the missus left out a mustard sandwich, came back to find him licking the fridge !

I have one here that is 10yr old that has done it all it's life and no matter what i tried he would still do it on the sly..one minute they was food on the work top the next it was gone without a soun

Mine is a theiving b*****d! He has had so many things i have lost count. Some of my favourites include an entire chocolate orange with 'popping candy', a massive bag of love hearts and other sherbert

Never met a lurcher that wasn't greedy! :laugh:


I came home to find mine with his snout in a big bag of mixer a few months back. Greedy b*****d had eaten about a third of it and still expected feeding at the usual time! :laugh:

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Mine is a theiving b*****d! He has had so many things i have lost count. Some of my favourites include an entire chocolate orange with 'popping candy', a massive bag of love hearts and other sherbert sweets, a pint of ale, a fair quantity of garlic, and any dead body he can get his hands on. Nothing quite like coming home from work to find dog lying full of food, on the living room floor, surrounded by the skin, blood and bits of flesh of a rabbit that he has got and taken into the house when someone let him out for a piss.

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Plate full of flap jacks, sponge cake ,pack of butter cheese sandwich crisps peanuts large bar of dark chocolate kitchen scraps meant for the chickens eggs out of the chicken coop the list is endless


Yesterday I took a large black pudding out of the freezer phone rang put it down and forgot about it went to get it this morning no sign of it along with half a bag of ferret food!!

Edited by iamduvern
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:laugh: I'm glad we're all in the same boat because mine has had plenty! 1 thing being the missus' lunch form one of those water resistant lunch boxes - the one with clips on all four sides.


And unwrapped sandwiches that were wrapped in tin foil without any rips.




Sam :thumbs:

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I have had Jess taking food from the kids hands to eating my boillies. She is such a stig that if she finds anything edible while we are out she is straight on it. I have come to the conclusion that these lurchers are opportunists and sneak thiefs.



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got to bull terriers here wat am pro's at the theiving trade sunday dinners have gone joints of meat even oranges & the big un eat threw a box of cider & emptyd a few cans the little shite come home to find him noked out for the night now i have to hide everything just dogs for ya lol

Edited by F#CK THE BAN
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Love the tales of thieving Lurchers... real old school. Used to be one round the corner from me when I was a kid called Jessie James, 'coz the b*****d would rob anthing'!!

I had a bitza lurcher once that was one hell of a thief, really aloof and coy about it too, sly like! It could open the fridge & both types of freezer. Would sneak back for anything too, once running right past us and back to the car after missing a hare, a field away & breaking the half open window, to scoff our buttys!

Came downstairs to find it had been in the freezer and nabbed a chicken and was doing its best to gnaw through it in the living room. I lost the plot and knowing the consequences he was out the back like a shot, stopping and turning to watch me, out of range, at the bottom of the garden. In total rage, I picked up the chicken and launched it down the garden, just to get it out of my sight, it took a bad bounce, veered off course and twatted the still staring dog right on the noggin! I almost dropped it and a good sized egg came up! I really didn't mean to do it and felt so guilty after. Never stopped the robbing git though...!!

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Last Christmas got v.expensive game pie, crafty thing gave a quarter to the terrier to keep him quiet and had the rest himself! :) it was a lovely pie!! Anything left on plate unattended is swiped without even a second thought. Gonna take him to Morrisons next week to help out with the shopping haha you got love em

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my husbands working sheepdog has been living in the house last few weeks since she was hit by a car, came home from shopping to find kitchen ransacked


1/2 loaf of bread

1 cuppa tea id left down

1 whole tub of butter

pack of biscuits


id only been gone 30mins


Mine could do that in one minute easy!

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Orded a kebab wrap a few months ago with salad and garlic my favorite. This wrap was from the best take away in my area, one of them wraps that are bigger than your arm.

Any way came in after a mooch out orded a wrap, wriped the paper off like there was no tomorrow as you do and a started eating on with me eyes fixated to the tele and a felt a tug on me wrap. The dog only ripped off half me wrap and ran to his bed with it leaving a trail where he had bolted then about 30 seconds later he apears round the corner licking the floor and eating whar he had droped.

Now a wasnt happy about pinching half me wrap but to follow his trail mopping the floor back to my feet a thought was a real piss take.

He didnt like it [bANNED TEXT] my terrier got. the scraps of our dinners for the next week


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