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why not use the springer collar @long leash let him wonder so far call him in if hes comeing back then a quick yank and he wont b long in coming 2 heel sorted my bullx ooott rapid :aggressive: :ph34r:

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  • 1 month later...

Some dogs go through a sort of "teenage wont listen to anyone" kind of stage. They tend to grow out of this phase, but this can take a good while. I had a dog that was like this until he was almost 2 years old. After he got out of that stage, he was one of the most obedient dogs that I have ever owned....

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i have a spaniel at mo is a right pain in the arse for disapearing and turning a deaf ear, you can see him think hmm go back or go chase shit it take s him bout 1/2 a second to f**k off lol but like some sed give him time and he does turn up. by the way got his litter brother whos the opposite always around if not quick whistle and hes there.


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remember mate they are only doin [bANNED TEXT] they are bred for.i bet you cant walk past the pub without goin in for a swift one.sometimes its just one.sometimes its all day.the dogs are just the same :clapper::clapper::clapper:

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Guest daz halford

i can only let mine off when there outside an earth <_<

did anyone see the news yesterday that fellas russel getting on folks nerves barking,so the rspca butted in and rented him a collar that sprays the dog whenever it barks,the dog was doing cartwheels :11:.

leave his balls alone :)

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I have this terrier that 10month old he's from a working background (fox) and with it being my first I am looking for advice, I just can't get him to come back to me when I shout him he just F%$£s off :search: . I have kept his nut's due to the fact that I would like to breed from him in the future whn I get a bitch but I am now thinking about having um off to stop him wandering......any ideas anyone???




I agree with lakey if you've tried schooling him the old way and it hasnt worked then borrow or get an electric shock collar he's only 10 months old so as soon as you push that little button hes gonna want to see daddy for cuddles,they do work as long as you dont overkill with them!!!

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  • 2 months later...

got 2 patterdales and a fell/ russell, the 2 patterdales are afther and daughter and they suffer from the same kind of deafness. speaiclly when they find a hole in the garden fence and run amuck in the neighbours garden. calming down with age though it only takes me 20 mins to get them back now instead of 2 hours.

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