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Ratting with my young lurcher

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hi bud ther is no jab to protect your dog from the evil weils disease if thats what you ment. the only advise i can give you is keep a bottle of warm salty water with you to flush out bites some antiseptic spray for after you have rinsed them out plus some latex rubber gloves atb mick............


thanks mate, il get some antiseptic spray, got me jack russel going for a play aswell he will love it thanks

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You get a lepto jab in with the parvo jabs you get when they are pups, BUT....they only cover several strains of it, not all of them.

I have always taken pups along to ratting when i could, you will probably find it will be a bit overcome by the whole thing and watch, perhaps joining in a bit at the end? Mine were more bothered about playing than working, but that is ok also, they are still getting used to being out with a pack of dogs who are in kill mode with no aggression displayed towards other dogs, a good way of socialising them.

Get some hibiscrub, and give any bites a good wash with it, and that is all you should need.

Something else i have noticed, a dogs first rat bites will quite aften swell up really bad, but any bites at a later stage never seem to do so as much?

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It does depend a bit on the dog, but personally I wouldn't enter a lurcher of 7 months to rats: its just too young. At this age they can be going through a slightly cautious stage in their development, a stage where everything you do should be to build confidence. Yes, granted, some pups just pile in and get bitten and don't care, but I would err on the side of caution: it would be a shame to let the pup get put off. Even with 10 dogs there, it is still very likely that the pup will get bitten, probably more so, if the pup dives into a scrum. It will get battered about by the experienced dogs all diving about and may well be overwhelmed by the whole experience.


IMO you'd be much better off doing a bit of mooching and ferreting if you can this season, and let the pup mature over the summer before entering it on biting quarry.

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It does depend a bit on the dog, but personally I wouldn't enter a lurcher of 7 months to rats: its just too young. At this age they can be going through a slightly cautious stage in their development, a stage where everything you do should be to build confidence. Yes, granted, some pups just pile in and get bitten and don't care, but I would err on the side of caution: it would be a shame to let the pup get put off. Even with 10 dogs there, it is still very likely that the pup will get bitten, probably more so, if the pup dives into a scrum. It will get battered about by the experienced dogs all diving about and may well be overwhelmed by the whole experience.


IMO you'd be much better off doing a bit of mooching and ferreting if you can this season, and let the pup mature over the summer before entering it on biting quarry.


Thanks sykcat, i can see from other post you know what your talking about so il just let her watch as yu said no point puttng her off many thanks

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