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Ratting with my young lurcher

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Hi everyone


got the chance to do some ratting with my young lurcher, shes 7 months old and has had all herjbs up to date, this may be a thick question but is a special jab they need for ratting as i know you can get disease from them, will be her first time out killing anything and ive been told its good practice for them many thanks

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taking your young dog will make it hard mouthed i wouldnt start a pup on rats not if you are going to run it on rabbits atb



what if its not going to be a rabbit dog? :hmm:

well it does not matter then ha ha


hi thanks for the reply, well i cant sell any rabbits that have been caught by the dog up my way anyway so im not to bothered if shes hard mouthed or not many thanks

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im sure you will use the lurcher as an allrounder so should not really matter as long as she doesnt get any nasty bites you should be fine mate is she a small type lurcher with whippet in her if so a very agile little dog is a great asset to the team.

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im sure you will use the lurcher as an allrounder so should not really matter as long as she doesnt get any nasty bites you should be fine mate is she a small type lurcher with whippet in her if so a very agile little dog is a great asset to the team.


yea shes not the biggest aroun 18 to the shoulder, she looks deer houndy type but im starting to think more bedlington terrrier as quite a few people have commented on her looking like one im not bothered what she is as long as she turns out ok, yea she will be fine we got about 10 dogs goin so shudnt get to many bites hopefully

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The only thing I'd say is just be careful and have another dog to hand to lend a hand. I wouldn't do it to be honest because it might put it off or swing it right the other way.


ATB :thumbs:




hi mate, yea we got about 10 dogs comeing so she wont be doing much, just thought it would be a good start for her, il let her watch for abit then let her get stuck in, poor thing is dyeing to have a rag on something as she sees plenty of the other dogs doing it and wants a go herself which is very encouraging, were going out on sunday to get said rats s il let you know how she gets on

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Wrong way round in my opinion, start her on rabbits first is my advice. A terrier will start on rats at that age no problem but I wouldnt risk a lurcher, although if its bedlington bred you might be ok.........Patience is a virtue!! Good luck whatever you decide :thumbs:


cheers mate

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hi bud ther is no jab to protect your dog from the evil weils disease if thats what you ment. the only advise i can give you is keep a bottle of warm salty water with you to flush out bites some antiseptic spray for after you have rinsed them out plus some latex rubber gloves atb mick............

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hi bud ther is no jab to protect your dog from the evil weils disease if thats what you ment. the only advise i can give you is keep a bottle of warm salty water with you to flush out bites some antiseptic spray for after you have rinsed them out plus some latex rubber gloves atb mick............


Leptospirosis vaccination for dogs - http://www.leptospirosis.org/topic.php?t=6

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hi bud ther is no jab to protect your dog from the evil weils disease if thats what you ment. the only advise i can give you is keep a bottle of warm salty water with you to flush out bites some antiseptic spray for after you have rinsed them out plus some latex rubber gloves atb mick............


Leptospirosis vaccination for dogs - http://www.leptospir...g/topic.php?t=6

interesting read :thumbs:
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