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bbc wildlife magizine

Guest little_lloyd

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Guest little_lloyd

Was at center parks the other day doing a spot of fishing and all that!! Anyway bought an issue of bbc wildlife magizine and could not but notice the whole anti image they hold, LACS/RSPCA have adverts everywhere and got a fox booklet free :D Really good little book just wrote by Stephen harris of Bristol university, who we all know is the biggest anti the is :( I would like to say i will never buy this magiznie again and warning to the people who currenlty have it!


Is there anyother wildlife mags that dont have such an anti attitude???

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Guest Ditch_Shitter

About fifteen, twenty years ago now mate, there was a magazine came out. Called " Green Magazine ". I spotted it on the stands at issue one and bought it. Bloody good read too. Had me hooked straight away. Covered matters that concerned a person with more than one synapse.


Not surprisingly though, some rather more 'fluffy' reader was soon on about some bloody nonsense. Badger snaring or something. Complete rubbish, of course. Emotion and hear say. So I didn't just start arguing with this toss pot. I went straight to the Editor and gave him my view of things, as a life long and commited Field Sports Supporter. What you lot now consider yeselves, only ye call yeselves " Hunters " now, on here.


Anyway, the Editor wrote back to say he was very impressed with what I'd had to say. So much so that he asked me to pop up for lunch and a good get together. Sadly, I couldn't make it. But we'd obviously found good ground.


Then, as the months rolled on and the magazine grew and developed, there they were; Full page adverts from the LACS.


I got back to the Editor and told him straight; That sort of shit was alienating me and would also tip the balance on a whole lot of other readers. People concerned for the enviroment, but not wearing rose coloured blinkers. He replied in anquish. Said he knew I was speaking the truth again ..... But he was just the Editor. The Owner of the magazine liked their huge financial input. Full page adverts, month after month, in glossy magazines don't come cheaply.


Then the mag folded. My proficy seen true.

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Stephen Harris, :censored: still crawling out from under his stone is he, :censored: he used to have under him a bloke called Baker who used to do all his leg work for him, he worked/works for bristol uni but is part funded by LACS, indoctrinating the next generation, sorry studying urban foxes, i used to employ his ex missus, complete fruit cake, but anyway i digress, she used to tell me all the stuff these pair of idiots got up to, the best bit was though they wanted to catch a fox to put a tracker on, they couldnt even catch a stupid towny one, his missus mentioned to him that i was of a country background and sent message back of would i be willing to trap them for them.

Told her to tell him i could get him as many dead ones as he liked, :laugh: apparently he did not find this ammusing. B)

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