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THL amazes me....

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It would seem that the OP neglected to mention the death of J Humphreys as well. Then complains about it.


Actually, it did get a brief mention on here last week.


I'm not complaining about that, but that the priorities of some members; just look at the first page of general talk at the moment; a seven page thread about somthing called 'Glasgow Rangers' and four pages about Whitney Houston.



Me, I was too busy putting hunting related posts up.




Of the last four threads you've started, one was about a session with an air rifle, one about Whin, one about a thread that was deleted, and one about beer!


Never really read much of the shooting times so do not know much about the man, but there is another thread about him on another forum which I have been reading. Seems he was an influential man.


He was indeed.


He was into shooting, fishing and the good life, and wrote many articles and books on the subject.


I would go as far as to say that he was one of the most influential fieldsports writers of the twentieth century.



Feel free to correct any grammatical mistakes you can find. Keep you occupied.


Thanks, but if you arn't capable of doing that for yourself then I'm buggered if I'm doing it for you. I've enough trouble keeping on top of my own.


If the hat fits eh??

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Mate , the threads on here take a life of thier own , silly threads about dead pop stars evolve into interesting debates on drug abuse , topics involving Rangers usually result in much love and footba

Lets be honest how meny members on here do you think have bought and read the shooting times.

Do you just like moaning? Maybe this forum aint for you? Then again maybe you just like coming on here for a bit of a moan? WTF are you all about starting a topic on benefits? Or was that just somethi

this is the general talk section, not the general talk about anything hunting related section, theres enough categories in here to post whatever you want, why not post it in the shooting section if he was a shooting man and leave the general talk for the general talk :yes:

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this is the general talk section, not the general talk about anything hunting related section, theres enough categories in here to post whatever you want, why not post it in the shooting section if he was a shooting man and leave the general talk for the general talk :yes:

look at you going all Ian b on him :lol:

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this is the general talk section, not the general talk about anything hunting related section, theres enough categories in here to post whatever you want, why not post it in the shooting section if he was a shooting man and leave the general talk for the general talk :yes:


That's just it; he wasn't just a shooting man. :no:



Lets be honest how meny members on here do you think have bought and read the shooting times.


Lets be honest how many members on here can actually read. :D


I sometimes wonder :hmm:


As for members not buying ST, what gives you that idea? This is the 'general section' of the whole forum, not just the hunting dog sections. I'm quite sure that quite a few of the shooters, ferreters and anglers on here will have heard of JH.


Yep THL does amaze me ! Now your whinging about topics that were NOT putting up ?? my crystal ball just ain't been working as good as usual !




The whole point was that someone who was very important to the fieldsports world as a whole has died, and it barely gets a mention, yet other non fieldsports related 'general' topics seem to generate massive threads!


It's a question of priorties I suppose. To me, this was real news and warrented some extensive comment. Yet the death of some druggie american singer seems to be far more important to some folks.


Each to their own.


BTW, full obit to be in ST next week.

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Mate , the threads on here take a life of thier own , silly threads about dead pop stars evolve into interesting debates on drug abuse , topics involving Rangers usually result in much love and football related comeraderie .

It,s like a pub , if a subject crops up , lets talk .

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Mate , the threads on here take a life of thier own , silly threads about dead pop stars evolve into interesting debates on drug abuse , topics involving Rangers usually result in much love and football related comeraderie .

It,s like a pub , if a subject crops up , lets talk .


Totally agree with that.....why some people feel the need to tell folk they dont know what subjects to talk about and what subjects not to talk about i dont know :blink:

If you was in a pub you wouldnt walk up to a group of folk and tell them not to talk about a dead pop star or football...........you would just mind your business and go talk about something else.....................really not that difficult is it.

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Lets be honest how meny members on here do you think have bought and read the shooting times.


Lets be honest how many members on here can actually read.

Lets be brutally honest here, how many on here actually fecking hunt !? not a dig but gnasher16 i know you have admitted on being here to read and learn and self admitted do not hunt, not a direct dig but f**k me its not brain surgery going on the type of posts by our top posters !

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