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Busta - My new Stafford

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Admirable of you butch to give the dog a thoughtful home, were he possibly could have been passed on from pillar to post or worse, abused. Ignore the know it all idiots on here who will give their uneducated inexperienced opinions to try and belittle you. You did the right thing by the dog and yourself, work him or not, he has a cracking home i believe. Those with their smart comments couldn't do right by a dog like that. Good luck with him and keep us posted, well "us" that are truely interested.

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Thanks for the supportive posts lads! :)

He's only 16 months and we're his 3rd owners already so I'm glad he's with us now, he'll be with us until the end l..

:thumbs: good going lad. pity more werent like you, then the pounds wouldnt be so full.


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The English Bull died not long back! :(

I was told he was 1/4 boxer but I can't see any Boxer in him at all apart from maybe a tiny bit in the face?





I can see boxer in him round the mouth. ;)

Edited by GrCh
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Bad news on your English Bull Butch. What happened to it? I have absolutely no experience of bull breeds, but I always thought that this seemed like a good exercise plan. I intend on doing something similar with my terriers to prepare them for their first season.




Roadwork keep. Seems pretty simple and low cost, provided you have the time and your personal fitness is up to it...

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