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While I,ll continue to donate , and it,s heartbreaking to see the images coming out of these countries I do sometimes wonder where the money goes .

There has been enough money thrown that way over the last 50 years to re build the whole infrastruture of the continent , yet one failed crop and we are back to square one .

Maybe it,s time to get the UN to manage the money is spent , and cut out corruption and incompetence .

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bobby brown also found dead with a suicide note next to that read "two can play that game"

This thread is heading like the Amy Winehouse one................. Good singer but brought the rest off the shit on herself.


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Maybe another road to go down is telling that stupid old b*****d in Rome to stop telling them that condoms cause aids and it's a sin to use contraception.

:laugh: ..........only you lot could blame the Pope. He'll be saying a prayer for you shower this morning............. :bye:

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Maybe another road to go down is telling that stupid old b*****d in Rome to stop telling them that condoms cause aids and it's a sin to use contraception.

:laugh: ..........only you lot could blame the Pope. He'll be saying a prayer for you shower this morning............. :bye:

not blaming him but his idiotic ideology does not help thier plight.
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I agree it is bollocks, but he still said that condoms cause aids.and make no steps to educate the tribes in contraception.

Wouldn't make any differnece. Its not words that will change anything or money its actions. Anyway i'll leave it there before Jigsaw gives me a row again.............. :cray:

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no row from me lab,you made some very valid point and I see what your saying,its their government that has the country ferked but I know nothing of that stuff.all the money gone over there never reached the people that needed it,didnt mean to insult ye or anything.By the way your well able for me thats for sure lol.

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no row from me lab,you made some very valid point and I see what your saying,its their government that has the country ferked but I know nothing of that stuff.all the money gone over there never reached the people that needed it,didnt mean to insult ye or anything.By the way your well able for me thats for sure lol.

:thumbs: .......Maybe i could have put it across better mate, i realised that after reading asanleys post but its difficult to get it down in words sometimes..... :thumbs: "Not very bright but can lift heavy things!!"..... ;)

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The cathlolic church needs to take the blame for a lot of Africas problems,, it kills more people than all the other voodoo claptrap organisations put together,,


Most of Africas aids problems lie squarely at the door of the catholic church.

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Well thats the answer then....Never mind charity just get the Pope to come out tomorrow and say "Get the snip and that will end famine". :icon_eek:

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The cathlolic church needs to take the blame for a lot of Africas problems,, it kills more people than all the other voodoo claptrap organisations put together,,


Most of Africas aids problems lie squarely at the door of the catholic church.


Just clicked on to this how the f**k did it go from Whitney Houston dying to the Pope killing millions of Africans....has he been implicated in Houstons death....Scothunter it must boil your pish to know he was in the Hitler Youth as a lad....did you burn your copy of Mein Kamph when you found that out :)

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Well thats the answer then....Never mind charity just get the Pope to come out tomorrow and say "Get the snip and that will end famine". :icon_eek:

In a flash mate. no doubt about it,


Lets face it,, Africa can only support a set population,the only reason it supports the 10 kids they all have is because we pay to artificially support it,


Get the pope to say, "yes get the snip,,thats fine" watch them all line up dogmatically to get there knackers done, and hey presto,!!


The alternative is to go back to how Africa originally supported its set populace,, natural selection an high infant mortality.

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The cathlolic church needs to take the blame for a lot of Africas problems,, it kills more people than all the other voodoo claptrap organisations put together,,


Most of Africas aids problems lie squarely at the door of the catholic church.


Just clicked on to this how the f**k did it go from Whitney Houston dying to the Pope killing millions of Africans....has he been implicated in Houstons death....Scothunter it must boil your pish to know he was in the Hitler Youth as a lad....did you burn your copy of Mein Kamph when you found that out :)



Lets face it . it`s more interesting and relevant than some bloated millionaire junkie drowning in the bath.

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The cathlolic church needs to take the blame for a lot of Africas problems,, it kills more people than all the other voodoo claptrap organisations put together,,


Most of Africas aids problems lie squarely at the door of the catholic church.


Just clicked on to this how the f**k did it go from Whitney Houston dying to the Pope killing millions of Africans....has he been implicated in Houstons death....Scothunter it must boil your pish to know he was in the Hitler Youth as a lad....did you burn your copy of Mein Kamph when you found that out :)



Lets face it . it`s more interesting and relevant than some bloated millionaire junkie drowning in the bath.


I dont see the relevance of either to be honest :)

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