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bobby brown also found dead with a suicide note next to that read "two can play that game"

This thread is heading like the Amy Winehouse one................. Good singer but brought the rest off the shit on herself.


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I think that one of the reasons so many people make jokes and deride pop stars etc who die young, is that the general public see these people as living privileged life styles, loads of money etc, and they still choose to squander their lives away on drugs, drink etc. I wonder how many would fall down that same steep slope into self destruction if they had unlimited funds and time to waste? Not to mention the fact that most people simply couldn't handle the pressure of fame. Not everyone has the strength of character to remain true to themselves in the face of such temptation and pressure. The root of all evil may well be money.

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I think that one of the reasons so many people make jokes and deride pop stars etc who die young, is that the general public see these people as living privileged life styles, loads of money etc, and they still choose to squander their lives away on drugs, drink etc. I wonder how many would fall down that same steep slope into self destruction if they had unlimited funds and time to waste? Not to mention the fact that most people simply couldn't handle the pressure of fame. Not everyone has the strength of character to remain true to themselves in the face of such temptation and pressure. The root of all evil may well be money.

I'd still love to give it a try.

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my 8 year old daughter loved amy winehouse , its a hard conversation to have had when winehouse died , it sort of went like this 'thats what happens if you do drugs' and i quickly reminded her again yesterday over this silly bint aswell.

so some good has come out of it , these two smack heads have scared the shit out of my kid and hopefully she will never touch the stuff
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Doesn't stop them breeding like f**k though does it. I wouldn't send a penny over there to help until they do something about that i'm afraid!!

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The reason they have so many kids lab is they know they have a better chance that one child may survive,its the same in the animal world.Imagine if they didnt have any kids,their race would be halved in numbers or possibly wiped out in a few decades.No doubt that would make a lot on here very happy.

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