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anyone know the utd result

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Utd were better today........simple.   Evra's just a cry-baby who will play on this charade every chance he gets and who the feck does Ferdinand think he is, some big knight in shining armour, right

A game of football in which the best side won,not that the media are bothered.

easy online but i bet you not so tough face to face                         only messing you manc kunt

I thought that was f****n hilarious......Rio Ferdinand what a knob :laugh: :laugh: .....stands there like a loyal soldier and black brother refusing to shake Suarez hand.....then within minutes gets absolutely clattered landing on his head by the very man he,s trying to protect when both were trying to take out Suarez........you couldnt have written it better it was like something off Laurel and Hardy :D


That handshake carry on is absolutely cringeworthy and embarrasing !

Good result for Utd Rooneys a class act.

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Dalglish cant see the wood for the trees, and let the reputation of his side down with his post match interview.


The best side one, and it was good to see Evre celebrating the win right next to suarez, after his refusal to shake hands.

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totally outplayed em again, the gulf in class is there for all to see :yes: theres 2 things in football that make me happy, utd winning and the filth losing :boogy: so today im fecking ecstatic :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:



outplayed them agai did you miss the last matches or smoked to much of that shite you find in the sand in egypt

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First , the best side won without a doubt ,well done utd .




but surly I,m not the only one who thinks Evra conned Suarez in the handshake thing , he had his hand in the horizontal posistion shaking hands until Suarez reaches him then he subtly drops his hand and raised it again when Suarez thought he was getting snubbed , then acts all hurt for the camera , and I,m not making excuses for Suarez either because I think if he didn,t to shake hands , then thats his right and no one elses buisiness, be interesting how Ferdinand acts face to face with Terry at the next England camp.

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I don't think Cleverly got on Jasper, but that lad is one special player and it's great to have him back for the run in. I still haven't forgiven that dirty cu*t at Bolton, Davis, for screwing up Cleverlys season.

Rooney was excellent today.

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Utd were better today........simple.


Evra's just a cry-baby who will play on this charade every chance he gets and who the feck does Ferdinand think he is, some big knight in shining armour, righteous wanker !!


This whole feckin Evra/Suarez thing as put a slant on the games between these 2 great teams that as feck all to do with football, the "beautiful game" spoilt by grown men who can't handle being called names. In this current climate where its more about media headlines involving everything except football I worry that its becoming less about football and more about crap.


Lets get back to enjoying the football rivalry rather than childish antics !!

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totally outplayed em again, the gulf in class is there for all to see :yes: theres 2 things in football that make me happy, utd winning and the filth losing :boogy: so today im fecking ecstatic :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:



outplayed them agai did you miss the last matches or smoked to much of that shite you find in the sand in egypt

in the sand in egypt :blink: you obviously havent a fecking clue mate :laugh: but now ive seen the picture of yourself i can see why :yes: but i must admit your spelling isnt too bad, awww bless :thumbs:

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totally outplayed em again, the gulf in class is there for all to see :yes: theres 2 things in football that make me happy, utd winning and the filth losing :boogy: so today im fecking ecstatic :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:



outplayed them agai did you miss the last matches or smoked to much of that shite you find in the sand in egypt

in the sand in egypt :blink: you obviously havent a fecking clue mate :laugh: but now ive seen the picture of yourself i can see why :yes: but i must admit your spelling isnt too bad, awww bless :thumbs:


you only go to egypt because your tart looks like my avatar an its the only place men give her attention them egyptians will goose anything :boogy:

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totally outplayed em again, the gulf in class is there for all to see :yes: theres 2 things in football that make me happy, utd winning and the filth losing :boogy: so today im fecking ecstatic :boogy: :boogy: :boogy:



outplayed them agai did you miss the last matches or smoked to much of that shite you find in the sand in egypt

in the sand in egypt :blink: you obviously havent a fecking clue mate :laugh: but now ive seen the picture of yourself i can see why :yes: but i must admit your spelling isnt too bad, awww bless :thumbs:


you only go to egypt because your tart looks like my avatar an its the only place men give her attention them egyptians will goose anything :boogy:

:toast: x 19

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