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Always find myself popping up in this section, as I have always been fascinated by the tales of Deer Stalking that crop up in here. I do alot of hunting (mainly air rifle) at the moment and would like to move onto larger animals and hopefully one day deer.


What i cannot really find is how people get into Deer Stalking, Did you go on a days paid stalking? Did you have a freind that got you into it? Or did you just drop on. It seems Deer permission is extremely few and far between (especially here in Yorkshire) and paying for stalking seems the way forward.


i have applied for my FAC/SGC and waiting on the visit at present and have asked for a .243 (as i have a fox problem and the land is cleared for this calibre) so could have deer added at a later date.


Would be interesting to here peoples views and opinions.





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I went on a couple of paid stalks, then decided to do the DSC1, met a lot of intersting people with all the same interests.

Whilst on the course I was offered a place in a syndicate, which I snapped up and have never looked back.




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A friend was in a stalking syndicate in the borders and they were looking for a new member. He knew my brother had a rifle and asked me if he would be interested. Well my brother was'nt but I had a think about it, had a look at the land and joined the syndicate. Then I applied for an FAC ! Unfortunatley the lease holder lost the stalking the following year but we were lucky enough to find new stalking ground on a private estate just a few miles up the road (Tip: be nice to any dog walkers you encounter - you never know who they may be - in 'our' forest we had a regular dog walker, turned out he had a friend who was looking for deer control on his estate! he arranged a meeting for us and that was us now on first class stalking ground)

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I was out shooting on a driven pheasant shoot where the Wild life Manager of a large forest was complaining he was short handed in culling deer and he could not get anyone to assist with the cull so I volunteered and became an unpaid ranger with his organization for 12 years ,where I learnt most of my skills not only in culling deer but in wild life management generally.

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  On 10/02/2012 at 23:17, The one said:

I was a ranger for the forestry commission years ago they just gave you a rifle and let you get on with it then

How long ago and where about mate?

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'lab-tastic' timestamp='1329383931' post='2495282']

'The one' timestamp='1328915846' post='2486758']

I was a ranger for the forestry commission years ago they just gave you a rifle and let you get on with it then


How long ago and where about mate?


You have a pm about Started about thirty years ago :icon_eek: Scarey no i think about it

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I have always shot since a young lad going out with my dad! I have held a sgc for 12 years and i'm only 24! I have mainly shot shot guns and air guns untill a couple of years ago when I started using a 22lr. I then got the rifle bug and the shotgun stayed in the cabinet. Brought a 17hmr and a .243, I only used them for rabbits hares and foxes to start even though I have the deer stalking permission on quite a bit of land! But I never really wanted to shoot the deer. I have since started getting a lot of deer work comming in so needed to shoot them and have got the bug big time! Doing the DSC 1 and 2 at the moment!


Its hard to get the permission on land if you don't have any contacts! I would stronly sugest some training to show a certificate to the land owner to proof you know what your doing!

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i was brought into hunting by my father in law (rip) who was a very traditional hunting man ( "waidmann" hence my name on here!!!!!!!)

i went with him a few times( around three years! every weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) and enjoyed the whole thing,from staying inour hunting lodge in the teutoberger wald to the drink when a stalk was done to the blowing of a hunting horn for a dead creature, the preparing of trophies,the butchering of quarry,the food it provides and the craig within all of this.

i then went to uni for around nine months i think ( which cost me alotof money!) to attain my german hunting licence( and eu firearms cert)

spent that time training good dogs to work and never stopped lmao!!!!

it was worth every penny!

i still hunt but now in britain, havenow gone more to hawking ( my father in law was also a falconer,but came that way to to stalking. quasi the other way around lol )



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