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Whippet vs Lurcher

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Tough one mate depends on your preferance and what you want to use it for....I would say whippet for ferreting mate as they very quick outta the blocks but then again it also depends on what type of ground your running it on...A lurcher will be able to take the knocks and is generaly a tougher breed..Also alot of Whippets can be highly strung and harder to train....Lurchers on the other hand can be trained reasonably easier if you know what your doing ofcourse and i dont lol.....other guys here with the experiance in both dogs will be able to tell you more mate but i would go so far as to say Whippets have the pure excelleration where as lurchers have the staying power to breeze past a whippet on a big run


ATB Stevo

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You'll get supporters and detractors of both types ! I suppose it depends on the individual dog, (and handler). I've seen some tremendous working Whippets, and also some useless ones ! The same goes for Lurchers, some good, some bad. I've owned both Whippets and Lurchers, and the choice is usualy dictated by the quarry I wish to run.



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You'll get supporters and detractors of both types ! I suppose it depends on the individual dog, (and handler). I've seen some tremendous working Whippets, and also some useless ones ! The same goes for Lurchers, some good, some bad. I've owned both Whippets and Lurchers, and the choice is usualy dictated by the quarry I wish to run.



spot on, i think that having both which ive had , that i favour the lurcher , as to getting more differnt quarry.!
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I too have had both, there are loads of factors to consider. would a pedigree whippet handle 40 runs a night 4 or 5 nights a week over rough ground or moorland? would a stamina packed lurcher snap up golf course bunnies? would a whippets coat handle wire, brambles and gorse? as a fan of both i'm trying to give a balanced view but as i write i'm thinking of far more questions about a whippets ability. maybe there isn't an answer, maybe a traditional collie/greyhound crossed with a whippet (imo non peds are much better) would be the answer, it's maybe just a question of what suits you or the ground/quarry you hunt.

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