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Our Mooch yesterday.

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Had a fantastic day yesterday, little Trent had 2 rabbits, and Leia & Maggi seen off a big dog fox.           Queen of all she surveys.       This how i keep my dogs fit

great pictures there and very nice dogs

looks nice where you live

  On 28/02/2012 at 08:27, SalukiBULLJP said:
  On 28/02/2012 at 08:18, sowhat said:
  On 27/02/2012 at 22:52, lonzo said:

nice looking brindle dog.how is it bred atb lonzo


Ahh, it's a touchy subject that :laugh:

...come on then sowhat matey...... :yes: ..tell tell whats the breeding..ex racing whipp over a small whip lurcher?... :yes::boogy:


either way its a healthy hearty dog,,they all are its obvious to see theyre well bred and fed...plenty of nice soft sand and dunes to run up....crackin place...

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Thank's everyone who's left a nice comment about my dogs :thumbs: Fletcher's only jealous because he can't take any credit for what this little dog as achieved, and never will, :no: because i know that the sire he makes out was used on Miss Tori wasn't his dog :whistling: Leia turns 100% after her mother. :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast: :toast:

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  On 28/02/2012 at 08:27, SalukiBULLJP said:
  On 28/02/2012 at 08:18, sowhat said:
  On 27/02/2012 at 22:52, lonzo said:
nice looking brindle dog.how is it bred atb lonzo
Ahh, it's a touchy subject that :laugh:
...come on then sowhat matey...... :yes: ..tell tell whats the breeding..ex racing whipp over a small whip lurcher?... :yes::boogy:
  On 28/02/2012 at 08:27, SalukiBULLJP said:
  On 28/02/2012 at 08:18, sowhat said:
  On 27/02/2012 at 22:52, lonzo said:
nice looking brindle dog.how is it bred atb lonzo
Ahh, it's a touchy subject that :laugh:
...come on then sowhat matey...... :yes: ..tell tell whats the breeding..ex racing whipp over a small whip lurcher?... :yes::boogy:
Here goes matey, she's out of Miss Tori x Sugar Daddy, Tori belongs to some friends of ours from Ireland, she's whippet x greyhound and so is our Buzz. The bitch was bought over to be mated to our Buzz (sugar daddy) the bitch wasn't ready, so they asked if they could leave her with us till the mating took place. They arranged for transport for her to be taken back over the water, I travelled in all there and back about 80 miles to the pick up point and she was returned home safely. Rose the owner of Tori has to my belief as no probs or doubts as to who the sire to the pups is, and was over the moon with the racing ability of the litter. The only person to disbelieve the breeding is a paranoid, racist, homophobic idiot who had her ass kicked at the BWRA championships with my racing champion Sugar Mouse who was coming to the end of her racing career through a re-occuring injury, Mouse fell out of the traps giving the advantage to her bitch, but my girl dug in and beat her fair and square, and not even a well done or a shake of the hand. We even invited her and her partner into our home, gave all the advice we could to help her bring her 18 months old bitch on, got her a bargain therapy box for £80, all because our Buzz was the sire to her bitch. Can I also point out that I refused to take a stud fee off Rose Mc Coy because of the expense of the journey over and because of what it cost them at the B&B. All this idiot is doing ,is making out that me and Rose are liars regarding the breeding. The fool as only had running dogs 8 years ish, and thinks she's the bee's knee's, any nobhead can get a purposely bred racing whippet x greyhound and go around the lurcher racing scene beating bedlington & collie crosses, she got chased out of the non-ped racing because of her attitude. The bitch she's got out of this mating is a cracking thing, and in the right hands could have got to the top of the tree in the non-ped racing, but she chose to take the easy way of winning afew trophies in the lurcher scene, she makes enemies every where she goes from Truro where she lives to Manchester. She's stated on here that every thing our dogs have won ie bwra championships English Derby 3 times, Scottish Derby 7 times, the NNWRF championships 5 times that all these wins were achieved by giving our dogs drugs, even though our dogs have been drug tested, and all this was done over 10 years. So do you think my fellow hunting life members there could be abit of envy, and a touch of the green eyed monster. Edited by sowhat
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That's the biggest load of crap i think has ever come out of your gob fletcher :laugh:

Just to set the record straight, i've never put Rose down for being kind enough to let me have Leia, and she will tell you that. :yes: Rose is in NO WAY A LIAR., and i have NEVER said that!!!! :no: I wasn't chased out of the non peds :laugh: we decided not to race anymore due to the increased price of fuel and the amount of travelling we was doing from living so far down in Cornwall :yes: As for Sugar Mouse :laugh: Leia out trapped it and she was only young then, but fletcher could see that if he continued to race the dog it would soon be beat by Leia :laugh: and he was running scared and never run the dog again whilst we were at the same track :laugh: I'm not a racist, or an homophobic :laugh: if i was i wouldn't let a very good friend of mine who's an Indian lady,walk one of my dogs because she misses her own dog back in India :laugh: I don't see how Leia has supposed to of won in Scotland, (i've never even been to Scotland)....... what she has won, i can prove :yes: because i kept all of the envelopes as a keep sake, FACT...I will admit i use to smoke a bit of weed, (even grew my own for a while) :yes: i never heard him complaining when I sat in his kitchen smoking it :hmm: but i'm proud to say, i don't smoke anything anymore, only e-ciggy's Fact.

But as we are on the subject of drugs, Fletcher is known by others down here, (not only me) to of jabbed his dog to beat a friend of his at Devon ,... the man even caught him doing it. Fact.... I don't tell lies, never have and anyone who knows me will tell you, i'm a straight talking person and will tell you to your face :thumbs: In fact was it not you Mr. Fletcher who was asked not to run Sugar Mouse because you lied about the dates of it's birth, and you where caught out, :hmm: people only have to look on the k9 non ped site to read about the row that went on at Highgate when you turned up to race one weekend,!!! and how you was swearing in front of children :whistling: (if you like i will copy and paste it for everyone to see).

So you see the green eyed monster lies with HIM, :laugh: because i've achieved with ONE dog more in a sort space of time, then he could over all the years he's been in non peds, and i didn't have to jab my dog to do it!!!!

123456 who ever you might be,... since Leia doesn't run non peds anymore, she works along side my other 3 dogs everyday catching her fare share of rabbits, squirrels and help with the dispatch of fox's., but if you want to know more about her ability's, just ask and i will willingly fill you in. :thumbs: Diane.


You lurcher folk want to ask your selves :hmm: why as he decided to go back into lurchers???? perhaps the greedy b*****ds is jealous of the fact that my Leia won the 1,000 guineas last year, :toast:more than he's won for a few years now... :toast:

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She trapped badly that day, but look at the ground she made up to get to the first bend and go on to win. :toast:










and another day when she trapped better. :toast:




and a few more :toast: leia in the blue jacket.












Leia in the red jacket :toast:






Am i proud of this girl :whistling: f*****g right i am, and so would anybody who owned her.



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  On 29/02/2012 at 07:15, 123456 said:

So she catches a few things on mooches, is she lamped? I'm guessing she aint lamped hard if she is


No she's not lamped, non of my dogs are and never have, simply because at my age i don't want to, :no: i spent 15 years fishing off the rocks which took it's toll on my joints in the end, :cray: that's why i came out of fishing and started a new hobby, :yes: So your opinion of worked, is to be lamped hard every night :whistling: plenty of dogs on here and other sites work hard, :laugh: but it ain't all lamping they do 123456, :hmm: you need to talk to MB if you want to learn anything about lamping dogs hard at night.... :whistling: I just do what i do with my dogs, end of. :D:thumbs:

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