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speed and % questions

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Im new to lurchers and would like to hear some opinions. My question is are there noticable differances between the 1/2+1/2 crosses, and the 5/8+3/8 in speed? I have a 1/2+1/2 cross gyp that Im really high on, that I will want to breed some day. I would like more speed, but dont want to lose her style or temperment. Would putting her to a 3/4+1/4 male to get 5/8+3/8 pups give me that, or do I need to go to a pure running dog to get much increase in speed?

Take care.

Edited by UphillDoc
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forget the collie types for seruios jack rabbits there a man called d salmon he breeds a few dogs once in a while who catch jack rabbits, hees got book store and a web etc you need saluk blood maybe a quart and a good sprinkling of greyhound or fast type of stag hound he has a line called cunniham greyhounds the best ive saw over that way they can run a jack rabbit in greyhound fashion for four minutes very good dogs, ive saw several dogs invited to cours on the new mexico flat lands all but the best catch regulary , maybe easy land agood collie cross or colder land but the heat in new mexico only a few types last the rigours coursing twice a week all the best pm if your after a goodog that way , hees one the grend course with his dogs etc 16 dog stake

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I agree whin a dash of saluki, I have stayed away from saluki because of their ability to go long.... I think Doc is looking for a dog to do both coyotoes and Jack Rabbits......


Mike, I am told Jack Rabbits are another type of sport, these big hares can move and runs have lasted 5 minutes....

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Im new to lurchers and would like to hear some opinions. My question is are there noticable differances between the 1/2+1/2 crosses, and the 5/8+3/8 in speed? I have a 1/2+1/2 cross gyp that Im really high on, that I will want to breed some day. I would like more speed, but dont want to lose her style or temperment. Would putting her to a 3/4+1/4 male to get 5/8+3/8 pups give me that, or do I need to go to a pure running dog to get much increase in speed?

Take care.



Where are you at Doc? I've only been running dogs for 4-5 years, so I don't have a lot of experience, but the dog there under my name, he's 3/8 grey, 1/8 saluki, 1/4 coon hound, 1/8 stag, he's blistering fast, his longhaul stamina ain't what a 1/2x1/2 saluki-greys got, but that's what I have some straight salukis for. As for heart, man you can't match his, I have to leash him up after each run for 20 minutes, or sure as hell another jack will get up and he'll tear off after it, he'll hunt till he drops dead, gotta love that boy!

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saw chance run lots of times, as a young dog he was a nice type of dog but no were near phoebe beech nut rhoda but was a trier but the heat on the corrolitas was hot some days chance would have been a nice dog for scottish hunting etc great nose and good natured dog,

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Im on SW Idaho. It is high desert. We have jackrabbits, coyotes, and badgers by the truckload...and miles to run them in... :D My gyp is a 1/2 cross Bull x Stag. I hunt on the lamp and from a calling station most the time, but wouldnt mind running more daytime jacks and coyotes. Im just not sure if I want to breed to a pure running dog or a 3/4+1/4 dog.

Take care.

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saw chance run lots of times, as a young dog he was a nice type of dog but no were near phoebe beech nut rhoda but was a trier but the heat on the corrolitas was hot some days chance would have been a nice dog for scottish hunting etc great nose and good natured dog,


Can't argue with you Whin, he may not have the raw speed but his love of the hunt makes him great. My other dogs, salukis, are all 18 months and younger, and Chance is a good teacher.

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our british hares are slower than the desert jacks and we apprecaite a dog thtas an allrounder chance would have being famous in my country would have love dto put him over lana for real rooting tooting all rounder ,like her .chance has packed for dutch over the gila mountains , i reckon he would kill coyotes to , as he was no softee with male dogs , a real good all rounder spiolt in the desert realy


our british hares are slower than the desert jacks and we apprecaite a dog thtas an allrounder chance would have being famous in my country would have love dto put him over lana for real rooting tooting all rounder ,like her .chance has packed for dutch over the gila mountains , i reckon he would kill coyotes to , as he was no softee with male dogs , a real good all rounder spiolt in the desert realy

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Hey Doc,..


Do you want a dog to hunt toothed game first, then hares second?...or a hare dog that can take toothed game?..


IMO, even a 1/4 Bull is alot...there are dogs out there with as little as 18th to NO Bull, that can/do/will take coyotes...the sire to your Grace (Saker) being one of them!..lol.


If i was you mate, i would find the best coyote stag hound you can find (you KNOW who to contact regarding them dogs!...the dude you got Grace from!.. :victory:B) )


From what i hear, Grace is no slouch with toothed game...look at what she NEEDS...yes she is tough, yes she has a great personality, she has speed, but could do with a little more...i would also say, for the country you hunt, and extra few inches on her would help her greatly!....buy going to the Stag, (a good one anyway!) you will keep what she has, PLUS get what she dont!....there is a saying back home.."A little bit of Bull, goes a LONG way!"...


She has great Bull blood AND great Staghound in her veins!...imo, you have the makings of a handy little line of dog...imo, buy adding more Bull, even a little is pointless...i wish you well Doc, and i cant wait to have a buddy in the neighbouring state!....roll on Yote season!... :clapper:



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Kye-Well I cant argue with any of that...I will call the man in OK when its time. I

will be taking "Grace" and her brother to NV in 2 weeks for some coyote hunting. I will be with a govt hunter flying for coyotes, and picking up cripples with the dogs. Should be loads of fun.

Take care.

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You jammy bugger!... :D:clapper: ...that does sound fun!


Dont take what i say as gospil mate...it is just my opnion...she is your Gyp after all!..lol.


I think the Man in OK would agree with me though...that guy knows so much about these dogs that its rediculous..lol.


All the best, and give me a call anytime mate...would be nice to catch up again!..



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