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advise needed

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right lads i want a new rifle and was going to wait until the end of the year to get the £250 to buy a rifle but moneys tight at the moment so im not sure il be able to so i thinking about the possibility of selling my iPad to fund a new gun. il be buying second hand and with the money il get of the iPad (£200) il be able to get a decent gun iv been looking at the hw95 and hw97k and seen them both for less than £200 but what to with my supersport as i wont be wanting to use it. should i just sell it on the internet or keep it im hoping il get about 150 for that as its just over a year old. should i add the extra 150 and get a pcp for around the 300 mark?


thanks lewis

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or sell it to help fund the hw mate, cos even if you want to buy a pcp bear in mind that youll need charging gear and all that gubbins too. far better to buy the hw(or an air arms springer, theyre just as good) in the knowledge that no matter what conditions you go out in, it'll take it and shoot consistently and accurately-even if you dont :thumbs:


cheers, wurz

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If I sell my supersport il look to buy a pcp but if I don't il buy a hw and they keep their second hand value well don't they? But do I go for the hw97 or hw 95? the reason I havnt looked at the air arms is because I shoot left handed and have heard its awkward when loading the tx left handed


Thanks for the advise

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its always better to have a spare gun even if you dont use it that often ..thats my rule if your main gun fucks up and you need to send it off to get repaired you can always fall back on your 2nd gun and continue shooting while your main gun is away being fixed ..



atb gary

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  On 10/02/2012 at 09:02, Lewis Ste said:

Is there much in the accurracy different between the two guns? I just don't want to be let down by another break barrel that refuses to shoot to anymore than 25yards


Thanks lewis


theres not a lot of difference accuracy wise, although i found that i was more accurate with a 97 cos i dont get on with light guns so well. the weight of the rifle'll absorb some of the recoil so i would suspect that the '97 would be more accurate past 40m, but that could just've been me. you dont see so many break barrels shooting at hft though, so maybe theres a reason for that? having said that i had an 80 break barrel and that was accurate as hell out to 40+m for me so maybe that something else worth thinking about. bear in mind though, that this was my experience with said guns, you might get on with them completely differently.


cheers, wurz


old fart indeed...

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  On 10/02/2012 at 09:14, festa said:

its always better to have a spare gun even if you dont use it that often ..thats my rule if your main gun fucks up and you need to send it off to get repaired you can always fall back on your 2nd gun and continue shooting while your main gun is away being fixed ..



atb gary


I rarely use it because my second gun/the gun I use the most is my brother in laws shotgun lmao


I want something i can just take out and use to kill things with past the 30 yards that my supersport just can't do



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id go looking at aa pcps, you can get a new s400 superlight for 440, so emagin what you can get for less thats a little older ore a little kocked up. sell them all look at aa pcp... i dont think theres anything that can go wrong with myn that i cant have fixed without sending the gun off....as for droping the gun,,,well iv been shooting in every weather slid down hills the lot never droped my gun..


just my 10pence worth

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