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Need new boots!

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Hi, I'm looking for a new pair of boots. Thinking of a pair of Crispi steggs. Can get them for £199 on uttings. Anyone have any experience with them. I know they won a shooting industry award but would like some feedback from people who have actually wore them! Can get Meindl dovre extremes for similar money so haven't ruled them out either. Any views?? Thanks in advance. Mark.

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Seen some new jack pyke boots the other day on the internet. They looked the business. Seen alota people slagin there stuff off on here but a friend a mine bought waterproof trousers a there's and he loves them. Id like to try a pair on and see what I think. Unfortunately that's a job for the game fairs in the summer and I need them now! :D

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Hi Mark, I bought Crispi Stegg boots last autumn for hunting.I've given them a good test through different conditions and terrain.Fit like a glove, very comfy, warm, great grip on all surfaces except smooth wet concrete or smooth wet stone. Great grip on riverbed though. They are very well designed, 100% waterproof. Friend of mine bought a pair after seeing mine. He's also used them for digging and thinks they are great boots. I love mine and would buy another pair. Only bad thing , I snapped 1 lace while lacing up, on inspection there was a small burr of metal on the inside of 1 of the lace hooks which had damaged the lace. Filed it till smooth, great since and was sent a new pair of laces free. Hope this helps you decide

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