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ferret theft

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for te second time in six months i have had ten ferrets stolen, is this a country wide problem? Idid not bother reporting it the first time as i had no faith in the police taking it serious. My daughter has reported it this time though i am not holding my breath!

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Gutted for you mate, fingers crossed you get the stinkers back and the culprits get what's coming to them. Keep an eye out soon in your local free ads, I'm sure they'll either try and sell a couple or even breed them ? Either way I'm sure you'll know what to do :thumbs:

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had ferrets nicked twice myself from allotment-came back last week and cut locks of every shed/paddock took chainsaw and strimmers -i would like to know who buys all these stolen items-i think its someone who knows me-it could be some one close to home-sick to death of dogs/chickins etc going missing-someone is going to lose their life if they get caught round my way.I will happily do ten years to put the message across-hope someone got a set and lets you know who took them.this SHIT HAS TO STOP.Atb

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Same thing for me Blackheart prison is no deterent i just done nine monthe two years ago and its like a holiday camp. Trouble is i have just had a tripple heart bypass and would probly be on the recieving end of it! Would love to shoot the b%&£ards,.

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They are last years and have had them working. The thieving b&^%ard missed the old gill which was graet but she is nine years old now and getting slower every year and still got my old vesctomised hob. I am really gutted about this but looking positive at it they did'nt get them all. Thanks for your sincer replies.

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Sorry to hear about that feller. Hope you get some justice.


How many of you fellers think its just dumb kids doing it, or people that should know better? Years ago I had a few taken by some kids, luckily some young lads i knew found out about it, and got them back for me. Probably better that way!

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well we have security lights, wireless burglar alarm on the shed aswell as padlocks on both shed & hutch's. Might not stop em but it'll slow em down and its a deterrent.

Takes couple of minutes extra on a morning to get into em, its like fort knox lol, sad that we have to do this.

Edited by joe14
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  On 08/02/2012 at 22:17, joe14 said:

well we have security lights, wireless burglar alarm on the shed aswell as padlocks on both shed & hutch's. Might not stop em but it'll slow em down and its a deterrent.

Takes couple of minutes extra on a morning to get into em, its like fort knox lol, sad that we have to do this.


I'm like that Joe14, double padlocked the dog kennel, cameras, security lights and an alarm should the door actually be opened. I'd rather do that than come down in the morning to find them gone, although i'd hunt them down and whoever nicked them would wish they weren't born.


ATB with finding your ferrets jasperdog, only horrible scummy b*****ds can do such a thing.

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