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deer attacked by 2 dogs bbc news

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surprised it weren't pregnant :rolleyes:


It probably was at this time of year it would have been well on, considering they give birth to their young in May .


They are pregnant during the normal stalkers doe cull so makes no odds really.

Well it does really as after January 31st we accept that the pregnancy is that far forward we generally leave them alone unless they are infirm or showing signs of being injured where only then we consider from a point of view to cull it, but a healthy animal normally would be left to carry it pregnancy through.

During the Doe cull from after 31st January we concentrate on last years doe kids to make the numbers up.

There are exceptions to this rule of course where they are considered to be doing damage to new plantations but there again it depends on the cull program, but as stated they are normally left.

I personally refrain from culling the matriatic does at the end of the second week in January for that very reason.




And what better way of maintaining a healthy population than having the weak ones extracted with a running dog, leaving the healthy ones to carry on and breed. :whistling:


Not saying I condone doing deer with dogs as it is illegal, just a suggestion.


You gun nuts are so far up your own arse sometimes you believe half the shite you talk.


I have NEVER been out with someone with a gun who would not shoot a deer as it is in 'prime condition'


In fact most I have witnessed have the view that if its out of range its out of season, day or night regardless of its health.


Just my opinion, based on what I have seen.



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Ripped to shreds but still alive!

More to the story...   Coppers must of been on the sence rapid..   I would never leave my dog, accidents happen after all.

Shame for the dogs they look half decent. Surprise surprise it was white vans

That's not strictly true as the season closes on in April so whether you don't shoot them others do. The level of pregnancy doesn't really matter, the question is whether they are pregnant or not. The whole point of the Doe cull is to reduce the population, less does less kids. When you shoot a Doe and a follower you are taking out the potential kids that would be born and the potential for the follower to reproduce.

I don't have an issue with it, it's called a Cull because you are there to reduce the population. I stalk occassionally, but it's the moral high ground that is often taken by Stalkers that I don't understand.

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That's not strictly true as the season closes on in April so whether you don't shoot them others do. The level of pregnancy doesn't really matter, the question is whether they are pregnant or not. The whole point of the Doe cull is to reduce the population, less does less kids. When you shoot a Doe and a follower you are taking out the potential kids that would be born and the potential for the follower to reproduce.

I don't have an issue with it, it's called a Cull because you are there to reduce the population. I stalk occassionally, but it's the moral high ground that is often taken by Stalkers that I don't understand.


Doe season closes the last day of march England and Wales I accept others do shoot them . Although reducing the doe population that is not the prime criteria as otherwise you could shoot out either sex of the species in a particular area that has happenned in the past especially where Red deer are concerned and take many years to recover.

correct Deer Management and control is to formulate a Deer Management program where its designated around the deers habitat , if sufice food present and cover etc what numbers will the area sustain and creating a balance thats sustainable.

It all depends what your trying to achieve in your Wildlife Program.

Shooting heavily pregnant Does usually means you have removed 3 animals from the wildlife cycle being the matriatic doe and her kids, usually a doe kid and buck kid.

If deer on the ground are few through excessive managment control culling matriatic does would be considered ill practice as stated it all to do with Balance and sustainability and factors in respect to forest damage which all work hand in hand.

Shooting at any doe because its in season isnt Wildlife Management all because its in season does not mean it has to be culled.

Edited by Caprelous
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surprised it weren't pregnant :rolleyes:




They are pregnant during the normal stalkers doe cull so makes no odds really.

Well it does really as after January 31st we accept that the pregnancy is that far forward we generally leave them alone unless they are infirm or showing signs of being injured where only then we consider from a point of view to cull it, but a healthy animal normally would be left to carry it pregnancy through.

During the Doe cull from after 31st January we concentrate on last years doe kids to make the numbers up.

There are exceptions to this rule of course where they are considered to be doing damage to new plantations but there again it depends on the cull program, but as stated they are normally left.

I personally refrain from culling the matriatic does at the end of the second week in January for that very reason.




And what better way of maintaining a healthy population than having the weak ones extracted with a running dog, leaving the healthy ones to carry on and breed. :whistling:


Not saying I condone doing deer with dogs as it is illegal, just a suggestion.


You gun nuts are so far up your own arse sometimes you believe half the shite you talk.


I have NEVER been out with someone with a gun who would not shoot a deer as it is in 'prime condition'


In fact most I have witnessed have the view that if its out of range its out of season, day or night regardless of its health.


Just my opinion, based on what I have seen.





What is it with people when they get behind a keyboard making comments about getting so far up there own arse etc, can they not converse in a manner without being abusive to a postee?

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How many urban deer,and its been acknowledged urban deer population is riseing rapidly,have fallen fowl of pet dogs in parks and rough ground,chances are its a much higher number than what we know to,and as the population rises they will come into contact with more and more dogs,And I can tell you now they are less controllable than most hunting dogs,but they will be no mention of these instances,or if the dog happens to be from working stock,though not a worker we the hunting fraternity will still get the blame,

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surprised it weren't pregnant :rolleyes:


It probably was at this time of year it would have been well on, considering they give birth to their young in May .


They are pregnant during the normal stalkers doe cull so makes no odds really.

Well it does really as after January 31st we accept that the pregnancy is that far forward we generally leave them alone unless they are infirm or showing signs of being injured where only then we consider from a point of view to cull it, but a healthy animal normally would be left to carry it pregnancy through.

During the Doe cull from after 31st January we concentrate on last years doe kids to make the numbers up.

There are exceptions to this rule of course where they are considered to be doing damage to new plantations but there again it depends on the cull program, but as stated they are normally left.

I personally refrain from culling the matriatic does at the end of the second week in January for that very reason.




taken from BASC

Muntjac may be shot all year round. It is recommended that when culling female muntjac, immature or heavily pregnant does are selected to avoid leaving dependent young.

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They will never have a gun ban.


too many of the 'wealthy elite' like shooting.


plus how will it be possible to control vermin?


I reckon snares will become illegal in the next 10 years,but give it 15 before it's made impossible for the average man to own a dog,let alone a working one.

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Your probably correct on the snares for foxes but i dont think they'll stop it for rabbits. I think your correct again about shooting but wherever shooting applies then dogs follow....so the working dog will be around aslong as the gun is.

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They will never have a gun ban.


I was on a wind up mate.


But, how many more mental taxi drivers have to around shooting people before something changes?



Sorry missed that! :icon_redface:


I don't think the public will be so sympathic to the shooters for too much longer.

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