night_hunter 0 Posted February 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 the pup [bANNED TEXT] caught it was 5 month old n was all jabbed up is it normal for this to happen Quote Link to post Share on other sites
MissRhianL 70 Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 It can happen at any age. My dog was 3.5yrs old when he had all the symptoms. He had all his jabs and boosters. Its just one of them things that can happen at any stage in its life. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
david brightmore 13 Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 natural yogurt haha heard it all now if your dog gets parvo if it dont die expect a big vets bill it can lay dormant in your kennels for some time once you have had it in your kennels Quote Link to post Share on other sites
stabba 10,745 Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 The last thing a dog needs with parvo is a curry or dairy needs fluid and plenty of it(preferably electrolites because it will lose plenty of natural salts through diarrhoea and vomiting) and if it will eat then something light on its stomach like chicken and rice.Seek vetinary advice immediatley...atb stabba 6 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
old timer123 367 Posted February 8, 2012 Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 One of my lurchers had parvo last summer and its terrible to see your dog go through it, i always remembered an old guy said once before he had a pack of beagle pups and majority of the litter had parvo so they forced fed them natural live yogurt (plain yogurt from tesco / asda etc for about 58p a tub) force feed it to them till theyre sick. So we were in a predicament as to whether to have him put down but we thought we would give it a go and fair play 3-4 days into the symptoms he was a new dog again!!! Couldnt believe it!!! I also know of another woman that lives in the same area as me her staff had parvo and believe it or not she gave him Vindaloo and it cleared it straight away!!! what a loan of old ballocks How the F**k can it be aload of bollox it was my dog !!!! cause your full of shit giving bullshit advice simples stick to massaging fat dicks idiot Quote Link to post Share on other sites
night_hunter 0 Posted February 8, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 8, 2012 thanks for the info. the pup [bANNED TEXT] had it had be put to sleep was tryin to protect the other two was goin to get them to the vets to get jabbed up again that should do it do ya yhink Quote Link to post Share on other sites
long dogs 580 Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 clean the kennels out then spray it with foot and mouth disinfectant, its a horrible disease and wouldnt wish it on any dog good luck Quote Link to post Share on other sites
long dogs 580 Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 The last thing a dog needs with parvo is a curry or dairy needs fluid and plenty of it(preferably electrolites because it will lose plenty of natural salts through diarrhoea and vomiting) and if it will eat then something light on its stomach like chicken and rice.Seek vetinary advice immediatley...atb stabba Quote Link to post Share on other sites
skycat 6,174 Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Because Parvo is a very bad gastro enteritis virus any food can make things worse. Some dogs just do get over it, while others die within 24 hours, no matter what vet treatment they are getting. I had Parvo come into my place many years ago now, don't know how: one pup died after a few days at the vet's on a drip, another pup needed no vet treatment: was just sick a bit, bit of diarrhoea, another died within 12 hours, and another never got it at all. Since then I've always given pups a parvo only jab at 6 weeks. Then they get their normal multi jab at 9 or 10 week, followed by the second multi jab a fortnight later: the second jab is just in case the first one didn't work due to maternal immunity. Most pups lose their maternal immunity at around 8 weeks, but in some it can be a lot later. BUT just because a pup has been jabbed doesn't mean that it will then be safe. For one reason or another, not all jabs 'take'. A blood test is the only way to see if the jab has protected the pup. Another thing to watch out for is cheap, black market vaccines. Some won't work at all, others may just be sub standard, and even if they are the kosher vaccines, if they have been stored at above 5C, they might not be viable. If you buy jabs at shows, then you need to be very sure that they've been stored at the correct temperature: not very likely out of the back of a van. Gastro enteritis doesn't have to be Parvo virus to kill a dog: any virus which causes sickness, diarrhoea, especially bloody diarrhoea which is the lining of the gut walls being attacked by the virus, can cause secondary bacterial infection which can cause death. Dehydration, then bacterial infection are the main causes of death in pups. If a pup is continually vomiting then it needs to see a vet asap. Either to be put on a drip, or to have saline injected under the skin. There's no point in continuing to syringe liquid down a pup's throat if it is just throwing it back up again. Pups can die much more quickly than adult dogs so don't waste time in getting a vomiting pup to the vet: if it keeps throwing up and can't even keep water down. Dehydration is easy to check for: if the skin on the top of the head stays up after you pinch a fold of skin between your fingers, the dog is dehydrated. In healthy pups and dogs the skin returns to its normal shape/position the moment you let go of it. 7 Quote Link to post Share on other sites
night_hunter 0 Posted February 9, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 thanks alot some great advice. so my other to dogs iv got i take it its 50/50 chance they,ll get it or not. cheers nh Quote Link to post Share on other sites
sowhat 1,572 Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 The last thing a dog needs with parvo is a curry or dairy needs fluid and plenty of it(preferably electrolites because it will lose plenty of natural salts through diarrhoea and vomiting) and if it will eat then something light on its stomach like chicken and rice.Seek vetinary advice immediatley...atb stabba Good advice pal :thumbs: Quote Link to post Share on other sites
chook1 184 Posted February 9, 2012 Report Share Posted February 9, 2012 Depending on when your pup came down with it and how would depend on if and when your other dogs show symptoms of it, it can take between 5 days to a week after the initial animal showed symptoms and even then your not out of the woods, as your other dogs might not become ill or show symptoms but could become carriers and pass it on to other dogs or if they get stressed or anything that compromises their immune system - could come down with it then. I lost two to parvo around 15/16 years ago, had 8 dogs at the time, a couple of the others showed mild symptoms being sick etc the rest showed nothing, over all think it took about 2 - 3 weeks to run through, from the first one dieing to the last one being ill they didn't all get the symptoms at the same time, it took days in-between. With the two that had mild symptoms, they were given glucose with salts added, and that helped a lot as they just wouldn't drink, they were not fed anything for 5 days after that they were fed small amounts to help there stomach adjust to having food in it again. Personally if it was me and them dogs are still not showing symptoms i would get to the vet and get their jabs done they are still at risk imho - then i would get some parvocide and totally clean the kennels out and wash any bedding that can be washed on a boil wash with the parvocide added. Quote Link to post Share on other sites
night_hunter 0 Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 cheers for the info mate Quote Link to post Share on other sites
turbotyke 62 Posted February 10, 2012 Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 a pup can also catch parvo if its been jabbed too early has the immunity from the mothers milk fights the live vaccine off so there for doesn't work .... your other two dogs should be fine along as there up to date on there jabs they might get a dicky stomach or be off there food for a day but can carry parvo so when you take them out some other unfortunate dog will catch it so you need to bleach everywhere the pup has been and burn all straw / bedding its been on don't take the other two out for a few days just to be on the safe side you don't want to spread it even moor .... hope this helps Atb Jenna Quote Link to post Share on other sites
night_hunter 0 Posted February 10, 2012 Author Report Share Posted February 10, 2012 thanks alot jenna cheer nh Quote Link to post Share on other sites
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