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Cannot put pics on here but plenty on smoochers .NO difference in Parsons or russells one and the same thing.Years ago some went KC route others didnt.Mine are all or all could be KC I just register a litter now and again just to keep my Prefix East Essex :)

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Guest grubygrafter

cant speak for all parsons but my old dog killed a good percentage of his foxes. and he has been a handy dog for me his mother was worked by me on a couple of occasions and she was a mixer his brother was harder than him :icon_eek: but had a screw loose so he was short lived i also worked his sister she was a bayer.


you hear a lot of bad publicity about KC bred dogs but. i could'nt fault this line. he was used over a couple of gould bred bitches and produced some reasonable workers . and one bitch i beleive that was very good indeed. but to mixed bred bitches he hasnt produced anything special. and one or two duffers. he produced one or two decent workers years ago breeding him tight to the old lines. but ive struggled to find working bitches from the same stuff so as he is now 12 that is the end of that :( the lines he came from are laced with lakeland and in my opinion are good but have showstock in them so are not as consistant at producing

they were HOWLBECK. lines bred by mr simpson . yorkshire and if i was to get another i would look for his lines :thumbs-up:


as a ps. you know when you had a decent dog when you try to replace it. ive seen very few in this area that could lace his boots. :thumbs-up:

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Guest whitser

my mate shitzu has one, him in pic. he hasn't done loads of digs but when given the chance he did well. he sounded but liked to mix it as well. only thing is he has problems with his coat and skin, not sure if this is common in parsons

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my dog is a pure breed parson russell and grand son to Gruby's dog.he works quite well.sadly he was bitten by a viper august 2006 and he now have liver and kidneys problem, he still works well but need lot of time to recover.

his father was imported from germany Rednock lines and was really an outstanding dog on par with every jagdterrier I've seen.he died to ground june 2006.

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