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More big cat talk (video)

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I take it you haven't seen many foxes fella .............

even i manage to get the odd picture in focus yet nobody can get one of an alledged big cat in focus the same with ghousts,ufo`s the lock ness monster.........can you see were im going with this :lau

fox or moggie or both. ive have spent my life working with wildlife, predominately foxes. the one moving right to left is a fox. the other im not 100% but is could be fox.   i know the surrounding

fox or moggie or both. ive have spent my life working with wildlife, predominately foxes. the one moving right to left is a fox. the other im not 100% but is could be fox.


i know the surrounding area, nearly all of the gamekeepers and nearly all of the farmers very well and im in the area (on the land) almost 365 days a year. there has been lots of talk over the last 15 years after several sightings along time ago even with the local hound pack. but no proof was ever put forward. there was no cat dna found on the carcasses collected form the surrounding area, in fact it was just fox, the place where the wallabies were killed is a small fenced in enclosure (not even an acre)surrounded by very suburban woodland that is full of foxes, badgers and feral cats. i have trapped foxes here for the owners which have know to of been killing the wallabies, they are normally mangie or poor examples. they have also had problems with badgers digging in under and the wallabies escaping.it also happens to be about 25 yards from the owners kitchen window. brave cat.


two things really strike me about this video. first as a nature lover and with a fair knowledge of wild cats. if that was a video of one you would know it, they are massive, not a bit bigger or a bit different, massive.

the other which seems to been overlooked by all you so called "hunting country folk" is that if you think that video was taken this time of year or indeed recently following on from recent events you are either drunk, stupid or very poor countrymen/women.



im not sure if there are big cats out there as i have never seen one but what i can tell you is that this is not one of them.


Yep there seems to be a lot of leaves on the trees and not a hint of any snow,

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