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I do both,   I do prefere to lamp for the car when its possiable, Cause you do see more game round me by doing that if i tryed to walk the land we drive at night it would take me a fornight on foot.

Ya but there arse-holes they very same thing happens while on foot, Leaving game worrying stock gates left open fences cut ect ect, Youll get the idoits EVERYWHERE   When i say driving land i mean d

Do some folk do that? Whats the point in that then. Surely now you are giving the advantage to the game you run as the dogs will be getting tired? I'll just go back to the other point about 'turning

  On 06/02/2012 at 12:41, lab-tastic said:

Isn't it a bit like cheating...? Seen it done and seen game turned from there escape route when the dog would have had no chance of catching! Would it be better dogs in the long run when walked up on foot?


youve hit the nail on the head there lab. ive only drove the fields on a quad bike twice getting close to quarry then slipping the dog of the bike then helping the dog turn the quarry. the dogs i have been out with are supposed to be good dogs and have a decent catch rate when lamped from a bike or truck. however these same dogs have been run on the same land on the same quarry but from foot and there catch rate is poor these 3 out of 3 or 2out of 3 dogs are reduced to 1 out of 4 or somthing along those lines.

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Do both, my veiw is for putting stuff infront of dogs you wont get any way near on foot,which means fitter dogs,not all people use motors to help dogs .....but i like to start mine on foot and learn about everything I.E jumping fences ,the beam ,livestock......like i said i do both and enjoy both.

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Guest born to run1083
  On 06/02/2012 at 16:24, trigger2 said:
  On 06/02/2012 at 12:41, lab-tastic said:

Isn't it a bit like cheating...? Seen it done and seen game turned from there escape route when the dog would have had no chance of catching! Would it be better dogs in the long run when walked up on foot?


youve hit the nail on the head there lab. ive only drove the fields on a quad bike twice getting close to quarry then slipping the dog of the bike then helping the dog turn the quarry. the dogs i have been out with are supposed to be good dogs and have a decent catch rate when lamped from a bike or truck. however these same dogs have been run on the same land on the same quarry but from foot and there catch rate is poor these 3 out of 3 or 2out of 3 dogs are reduced to 1 out of 4 or somthing along those lines.

From what I saw from my limited experience on it was that the dogs had to be fitter when we went we must of averaged 10-15 mile an hour with dog running next to motor without even getting anything up. In huge fields it just helps you out if there's a hare in the middle drive up rather then taking 10mins to walk up get the dog on it watch the course then on to the next. There some huge fields out there talking 80acres plus. If they only got one long ear per field I can promise you won't get that many runs on foot. Out of all the runs not once was the truck used to aid the dog. I like walking on foot but I can see why some lads in some locations do use the trucks

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It's like anything else, there are a load of different ways it can be done, some great, some shit. And some folk who do it, are wankers and many are not. Just like anything. You couldn't do it here, you would get your truck stuck within a field or so. But on the big land, i would do it happily.

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  On 06/02/2012 at 17:02, robert michem said:

some folk say you get more game,,i take that has rabbit,,, myself and a mate av got into the 90,mark// loads of 70/80,,, so are the folk who are driving get a round the 120//150,mark,,, iff so your doing very well and i will be the 1st,, to take my hat off to you,,


I think they mean more game than you would on foot in the same area.


So if you are only getting 2 rabbits per field, you can look in a lot more fields over a night using the motor than on foot. etc.

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  On 06/02/2012 at 17:03, Ideation said:
  On 06/02/2012 at 17:02, robert michem said:

some folk say you get more game,,i take that has rabbit,,, myself and a mate av got into the 90,mark// loads of 70/80,,, so are the folk who are driving get a round the 120//150,mark,,, iff so your doing very well and i will be the 1st,, to take my hat off to you,,


I think they mean more game than you would on foot in the same area.


So if you are only getting 2 rabbits per field, you can look in a lot more fields over a night using the motor than on foot. etc.

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  On 06/02/2012 at 15:41, lab-tastic said:


I'll just go back to the other point about 'turning game' for the dog. As i mentioned its a bit of a cheat and is it purely for filling the bag?. One thing i have learned on here is that most lads that respect the game they chase are quite happy for there chosen quarry to get away if it deserves it, how does this work then if the quarry is turned back for the dog? Does this thing i read on here quite often "fittest get away" noty apply on lamping nights with a vehicle? Very interesting thread though.


That would be my opinion also :thumbs:


When does pest control stop being pest control and more all out slaughter?


I can remember a shooter who lives near me commenting on a stunning buck he had seen, 'fantastic head, in it's prime' etc etc. He was gutted he did not have his gun with him at the time. I can remember thinking, should it not be left to breed to produce more good healthy offspring rather than killing him...or do i have it wrong?

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I do both but for simple reasons I don't think it changes how many u get more about the time u have I work alot of hours and only get every other weekend off If iam walking it can take me 6/8 hours too do all off the permission I have it can take me 3 hours in 4x4 and I've never found one too be more of a better way then the other for the amount I get cos there will only be the same amount of rabbits there it's just a time saver it all depends on what u want too do I stiil find during the week i prefer too go for a 2 hour walk just bye me self and the dogs but if I know I ain't got work in the morning it will be an all nighter for me think it just depends on ur own life style

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Most of the fields around here are two small to lamp from a vehicle. You would never be finished opening and shutting gates.

You can only realy lamp off the road, and then by the time you have seen something you have to reverse for 5 minutes as you were doing 50mph :laugh:


Far easier on foot.



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  On 06/02/2012 at 10:59, trigger2 said:

we often here differences of opinion about working dogs out of a motor and working them on foot. many say you put more game infront of a dog by driving round fields etc etc and others say its better to walk etc etc.


in your opinions is there much of a difference in the quality and performance of the fully trained dogs?


is a dog that is worked from a vehicle better or worse than a dog that is worked from walking the ground?

better for the dog walking i think because the dog is warmed up and streched before any work instead of bailed out of motor and expected to perform 100 percent
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  On 06/02/2012 at 15:41, lab-tastic said:
  On 06/02/2012 at 15:24, TOMO said:
  On 06/02/2012 at 15:20, whisperingeye said:

driving is for lazy people,how can you say theres any field craft in throwing a dog out of a vehicle,it should be banned and youse dogs taken of you,


yeh take the dogs off them, :laugh: bloody hell fella,, you obviously want an argument ;) just to add not evrybody that drives ,, chucks the dogs out the window,, some run along side :thumbs:

Do some folk do that? Whats the point in that then. Surely now you are giving the advantage to the game you run as the dogs will be getting tired?

I'll just go back to the other point about 'turning game' for the dog. As i mentioned its a bit of a cheat and is it purely for filling the bag?. One thing i have learned on here is that most lads that respect the game they chase are quite happy for there chosen quarry to get away if it deserves it, how does this work then if the quarry is turned back for the dog? Does this thing i read on here quite often "fittest get away" noty apply on lamping nights with a vehicle? Very interesting thread though.


yeh the dogs do get tired mate,, but like anything the more you do of it the fitter the dog gets,, i personly liked to do it single handed and swap dogs over after a few mies,, then rest,, and swap again and so on..


for me lab it was about rabbits, hence driving the field hedges,,, just the same principle as walking realy,, you try to get inbetween the bunnys and where there running to,, the vehicle gives you the advantage to get between them and the hedge,, with rabbits it doesnt realy stop them running to you and the motor,, often going right underneath the motor...

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