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I do both but do like lamping from the motor put way more game in front of your dog but I do like a good walk round the places you carnt get in the jeeps

there is nothing in the fields next to the roads

I beg to differ mate ;-)

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I do both,   I do prefere to lamp for the car when its possiable, Cause you do see more game round me by doing that if i tryed to walk the land we drive at night it would take me a fornight on foot.

Ya but there arse-holes they very same thing happens while on foot, Leaving game worrying stock gates left open fences cut ect ect, Youll get the idoits EVERYWHERE   When i say driving land i mean d

Do some folk do that? Whats the point in that then. Surely now you are giving the advantage to the game you run as the dogs will be getting tired? I'll just go back to the other point about 'turning

ive always lamped on foot myself but i can see the advantage from lamping from a motor although not for me your gonna cover twice as much ground = much more game , but id imagine your dogs have gotta be seriously fit and conditioned to run beside and run game aswell, imo you would need a couple of dogs to keep switching round like tomo said, as you wouldnt be long fecking one dog on its own ,but i think the only difference would be much much fitter dogs if run from the motor than on foot

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Been out with mates in the past in the 4x4 lamping and it was a great way of getting up close to the bunnies and also cutting them off from the hedges with the truck etc etc. . Can see the advantages if you have the land that is is possible on.

Most of the lamping I do would not be possible in a vehicle..you would struggle with all the fences,gates, bankings etc etc.


I prefer a good walk anytime...But if i had to walk miles to each pocket of rabbits it would be easier in a 4x4 obviously.


also I hav'nt got a truck that would get me across the fields,and dont want the fuel bills for running one on the amount of miles i put in.


I do like ferreting from the back of the truck... if and when possible.. and thats simply because im a lazy git and hate carrying all the tackle for miles.


Horses for courses as they say.

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i lamp from a motor,but i would nt help a dog that was on a rabbit by blocking its run ,but on a big ear i would only help the dog out if it was a young dog that was inexperinced ,and i all so think that there are some people who drive have nt got a clue and thats why alot of you did not enjoy your night out ,go out with some one who knows there job and you will think different

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ive been out lamping from the motor a few time and i think i would of enjoyed it if it was done properly but the lad insisted on chasing the bigguns down for a bit to tire it out before letting his dogs out which in my eyes is giving the dogs an unfair advantage i refused to let my dog out of the car but a will be driving myself next season so i will definatley be giving it a go

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On some permission you have to drive, it's just to big to cover otherwise other times a walk is the order of the day.....like most things as long as you don't goon about and show some respect it's no problem either way.

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