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Wanted - Athletic Stafford

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got a litter of pups here they only 3 weeks old , bitch is 15 inch and the dog is 16 both athletic , the bitch comes out hunting with me and the lurchers runs all day no probs and clears sheep fences , dog is my pals and is just a pet but he's a nice looking dog , the pups are all dark brindle

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Butch, sorry to hear about your Bull.



Not sure how well this suggestion will go down, but I'll make it any way :D



What about a Wheaten Terrier?


Get a pup, train it well, socialise it until you're sick of the sight of people and other dogs, and if you want to do a bit with it, then that's your business.


"Old time", "athletic", "Irish", "Leggy" Stafford .............. no matter what you might say or think, if someone wants to be a twat and identifies it as a "pit bull type", then it can be seized, whether you get it back or not seems to depend on the colour of the Judges underpants.

I personally wasn't prepared to risk that this time the way dogs were seized on Merseyside and surrounding areas.


I did exactly what I suggest above, haven't done any hunting at all with him yet because he is only 15 month and still very much a puppy, but, he's good as gold with other dogs and people, temperament (of my dog) is just like that of a Staff type, and here's the bit no one will believe, he will run around at a million miles an hour with a mates young lurcher bitch for 3 hours (yes really) and not show any signs of being tired, maybe it's just mine, he's obviously not as fast, but he doesn't stop trying to catch her!


Deffo worth a thought.


Oh, and they don't leave fecking hairs everywhere like BT's and Staffords!

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Good suggestion there Strong Stuff! ;)

Got a little Stafford now though, he's 16 months and looks in good shape already with only going on one short walk a day so should come up brilliant with some time and effort! :D


I'll try get some photo's up at the weekend, need to weigh and measure him aswell..



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