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whippet vs lurcher

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Had both, and enjoyed working both, but the combination of the two working together takes some beating. Some collie/greyhounds may back off near the hedges and it can be frustrating, but on the other hand can save you visiting the vets (mine does it), i would never call her a poor specimen, just sensible...not everybodies cup of tea. I have just got another puppy, shes bedlington/whippet x collie/greyhound/whippet....something like this would suit you well. To me a lurcher has a bit more too it than a whippet. My bitch is only 11 weeks old, but even at this age you want to see her using her nose, really surprised me...not sure if its the beddy influence...she also loves getting into the garden hedge row...can't keep her from weaving in and out of it. I nearly bought a whippet, but after long consideration i decided on a lurcher again, it puts you off the amount you hear of that have died from running into walls or trees...i know people call this drive and determination,,,i call it quarry blindness....not for me. End of the day both will do the job. Good luck with your choice.


....With regards to insurance, i have just insured my puppy. The best i found was tesco.....you can have accident and injury...this was around £6 per month or accident/injury and illness....this was £9 something a month....the excess is £60.


Collie/greyhounds back off! You obviously didnt get the right mix. Was it from a working strain collie. Colliegreys will hunt for mile after mile on the hardest and most stubborn terrain, from the flats to rugged monutain tops, i havent heard the likes of such garbage that a colliex would back off from a hedge!!


As for your bitza pup sniffing the ground. Its 11weeks old man, its a big world out there, its learning, getting its footing wether it be a lurcher or a shitty westhighland white, all pups sniff the floor!!


The only descent thing to come out of this is you deciding that whippets are weak and die...Its not quarry blindness, its wimpish. Many lurcher die in running accidents, from borzoi x's(seen it happen in tanzania) to big bullx's..

....... :feck:


Wow...... somebody has issues......... :notworthy: ......... fact, lots of collie lurchers crosses from good working stock are picky and hold off, not all, but some....and its not always such a bad thing. Collie lurchers, can and do have faults, and this is just one of them.

Plus i never called whippets weak....... you have just got whippet issues, whippets are far from weak.

Edited by canaliculata
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If the lurchers you have seen "backed off a bit at hedges", then they were poor specimens ! I think you have allready made your mind up on a Whippet, as why would you want a lurcher if you don't think

A whippet wont beat a purpose bred (and decent lurcher), but they have their place. You already have a whippet, so get a well bred rabbitng lurcher and your team will be complete.

More to do with the drive of an individual dog, than a breed/type.

Get a lurcher whippet's break to easy :laugh:

What a crok of shite





Something tells me the man doesn't work his dogs that hard.


ya think...........i love it when greyhound and whippet lovers tell us all that their dogs can handle it. Comical at best. Actually I love it when any man loves any breed enough to actually sit on here and tell us all how they are great at everything. Its f****n awesome. Dont matter what anybody says, size, breed, type, land, weather, all that shit matters. Talent at a certain game matters...........try and heart go a long long way but if ya suck, ya suck..........dont matter.

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Get a lurcher whippet's break to easy :laugh:

What a crok of shite





Something tells me the man doesn't work his dogs that hard.


ya think...........i love it when greyhound and whippet lovers tell us all that their dogs can handle it. Comical at best. Actually I love it when any man loves any breed enough to actually sit on here and tell us all how they are great at everything. Its f****n awesome. Dont matter what anybody says, size, breed, type, land, weather, all that shit matters. Talent at a certain game matters...........try and heart go a long long way but if ya suck, ya suck..........dont matter.


Well said.


Don't get me wrong, i have a whippet and think he's a great wee dog, within his limits, but obviously there ARE limits to him. The problem is he doesnt know that and keeps getting broken. Mind you, he has dispelled some myths a long the way. But still, he is on track for a short life.

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Get a lurcher whippet's break to easy laugh.png

What a crok of shite


Why, please back up your pheory....(that its a crok of shite)

if you could spell you`d be dangerous lol


Do you want to teach me. Oh i think i would rather leave it, when i was a lad english teachers were know for some sordid things! is this correct.

you tell me ?? is that the reason your a tail on here , ye been felt up by some sordid teacher lol :laugh:


Lol!!!!! I think you'll find the word you're looking for is tale, not tail!! Probably best not to give out advice with regard to spelling when you're no world beater yourself.

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as you said its just rabbits, im a great beleiver in sticking to what you know, take a whippet. if you get a lurcher you might end up comparing the lurcher and the whippet, which aint fair on either dog. Trust me on this , i know it sounds daft , but i always had lurchers and thought like you. what if i get a whippet? i wasnt fair on the dog as i always compared her to what i knew of lurchers. A mistake i will never make again

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