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Another rip off vet

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A friend of mine has just bought a saluki cross pup which has the black and tan face markings, he took it to the vets local to us to get it jabbed, now I know from previous experience this practice is a pain in the arse and when I had my last pup jabbed he tried to talk me into a third jab for a extra £20 but I said if the two jabs you are about to administer are not good enough I will go elswhere, he shut up and carried on, now my friend being a bit green and wanting the best for his pup got talked into the extra jab because according to the vet and I quote " Black and tan dogs are more suseptable to parvo and other illnesses". Now this sounds absolute bo**ocks to me so if a more educated person can confirm this to me I would like to name and shame the practice, because every dog or bitch I take in there needs to be spayed or castrated or infact anything which generates revenue for them. atb nasher


Seems like the old vet did know what he was on about, nobody wants to get taken but to be honest if it was a 100 quid for a pup I wouldn't crib about it.......small price to pay, it always makes me laugh when folk crib at medical expenses for their dogs!

There's any easy answer, don't have a dog if you don't want to pay what it costs........simple really

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A friend of mine has just bought a saluki cross pup which has the black and tan face markings, he took it to the vets local to us to get it jabbed, now I know from previous experience this practice is a pain in the arse and when I had my last pup jabbed he tried to talk me into a third jab for a extra £20 but I said if the two jabs you are about to administer are not good enough I will go elswhere, he shut up and carried on, now my friend being a bit green and wanting the best for his pup got talked into the extra jab because according to the vet and I quote " Black and tan dogs are more suseptable to parvo and other illnesses". Now this sounds absolute bo**ocks to me so if a more educated person can confirm this to me I would like to name and shame the practice, because every dog or bitch I take in there needs to be spayed or castrated or infact anything which generates revenue for them. atb nasher


Seems like the old vet did know what he was on about, nobody wants to get taken but to be honest if it was a 100 quid for a pup I wouldn't crib about it.......small price to pay, it always makes me laugh when folk crib at medical expenses for their dogs!

There's any easy answer, don't have a dog if you don't want to pay what it costs........simple really

Yes you are right of course and all my dogs need castrating and all my bitches need spaying and they are justified charging £70 for the initial vacs when the other vet using the same vacs can do it for £30. I've never let my animals down when vets are concerned but being ripped off and being encoraged to use uneeded meds for pure profit is crap also.

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we pay 10 pound a month for 12 month which includes 2 first injections micro chip worming and fleaing and weighing every month for a year ,a kilo of science plan 3 extra check ups 10% off anything they sell 20% off spaying.a month free insurance. didnt think that was bad

:boogy: there suppose to be a rip off

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i have recently had a pup vaccinated and was adviced to get a third parvo jab at 16 weeks.

I questioned the vet why the third jab and it was explianed that in some pups the imunity passed on from the mother can interfere with the uptake of initial vaccinations.

The only sure way to check after two vaccinations would be to blood test the dog.It is far cheaper to give the dog a third vaccinaton at 16 weeks which will ensure it is covered.

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i have recently had a pup vaccinated and was adviced to get a third parvo jab at 16 weeks.

I questioned the vet why the third jab and it was explianed that in some pups the imunity passed on from the mother can interfere with the uptake of initial vaccinations.

The only sure way to check after two vaccinations would be to blood test the dog.It is far cheaper to give the dog a third vaccinaton at 16 weeks which will ensure it is covered.


The immunity part is true so it seems, as my vet told me, thats why they dont normally give the first jab until about 9 weeks of age as it can be less effective if done to soon, apparently.

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