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i was just wondering today on how other lads do, for any of you lads who regularly do daytime work, be it just mooching or bushing with a terrier/spaniel aswell as lurhcers: if you go out for a good 2-3 hours on land with a healthy stock of rabbits and the weathers right, what would your average number of rabbits caught be?





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i have two working bushing terriers. both will work any cover and push out game for either gun or lurchers one excells at drystone walling some times even marking 20 plus rabbits by herself, both terr

i have been fortunate to see that walling terrier of woodgas first hand,, we parked in a gatway , got out got the ferretbox on,, and the terrier was already marking a rabbit in the wall next to the va

Terriers will find hares as sure as night follows day but spaniels have a different method of working they quarter the feilds covering more ground picking up scent in the air as much as on the ground

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localy there was never really good numbers of rabbits. been on some kind invites onto moorland. plenty rabbits clapped under the heather terrier and lurcher comb worked well. but didnt get on the land enough times to think about averages. just busy enjoying it. sure there will be plenty who mooch with good rabbit numbers on their land.

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  On 02/02/2012 at 18:36, Big bald beautiful said:

often nowt, but then i like to see the dogs work, push rabbits out, pheasants, tree rats the odd fox and last week two roe deer.

my spots not lifting with rabbits but plenty of gamebirds, hares always found by a good terrier .

Honest post there mate, I am the same. I mainly do daytime mooching with jack russell and lurcher, sometimes we can catch two or three in a mooch then we may go a week or so with nothing. At the moment there is plenty of game birds about, we have had a couple but my lad just cant perfect his diving on pheasents techneac just yet but the more he see`s the better he should get. The plan is to bring a bitch in to join him for next year. Then I can have a dog either side of hedge rows and jack doing her thing.

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i remember when i never had my lurchers i only worked my jackrusel when we went fereting we cault more rabits in the dyke with the jackrusel than we did fereting :$ i enjoyed that more than fereting i love a god moock its grate fun and god to wach the dogs working together

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  On 02/02/2012 at 18:36, Big bald beautiful said:

often nowt, but then i like to see the dogs work, push rabbits out, pheasants, tree rats the odd fox and last week two roe deer.

my spots not lifting with rabbits but plenty of gamebirds, hares always found by a good terrier .


I agree with you mate. its a pleasure to watch the dogs hunting up and pushing out game to chase. its nice to know that some people can produce good numbers on decent land. i think i prefer a good long mooch with the dogs hunting up more than lamping where the dog just courses.

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  On 02/02/2012 at 21:11, canaliculata said:

All i do is mouching, chase very little, and catch even less. Only caught one this season upto now. I just love been out waiting for the odd chase. Just me my dogs, rucksack and flask. Cant beat it.


I know how you feel mate, no better way to spend the day than being outdoors with dogs all day watching them do what theyre bred for.

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