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dogs seized in co down

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Lol pick up on what you want and no not bothered to read the thread

and I wasn't trying to be a smart arse either

If your not so bothered to read the thread then why post on it trying to be a smart fella ? Idiot.

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i wonder how many c**ts has been interviewed today about molesting kids an not a fuckn word about it

i think its about time this forum was closed to guests. and only peopl with tracable email accounts should be aloud to join


There were prosecutions long before the internet or forums or any thing else. Go on that north west hunt saboteurs site and read the list of lads that have been done its goes back to the 80s then look how many are recent not that many considering all the changes in legislation . It does not matter where you hunt or how careful you do are right anyone can get caught out just take one farmer pissed off or a passing member of the public. Its too bad that the government thinks its is a good use of resources to dedicate police time to protect an animal that is vermin in the majority of other european countries. There are too many people hunting now anyway. A friend of mine was out last week checking a few places for a a fox at one place where he has permission he had a yarn with the farmer who informed him he was the third group to check the burrow that day and that there had been another two different outfits in the past week. How could people not become aware of lots of activity.

strange quote there fella :hmm:
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have to agree a lot more people hunting now some farmers getting really pissed off with people on the land most days was asked to stay off land by two farmers in the past few weeks cause they had enough ,so it must be countrywide,told them they would never see me on there land again so will just have to park somewhere else or get dropped off cant change the habits of a lifetime.

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i think shitpot and his clowns will be at a lot of the shows this year mingling in the crowd and eves dropping on lads having a chat together. so be careful any one going to them :thumbs:

he might have a go at the diggin competition at the northern show lol ,yee could use him as back fill
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i think its about time this forum was closed to guests. and only peopl with tracable email accounts should be aloud to join


i think its about time the forum was closed .............................. :hmm:

smell your breath anyone got any mints :bad:
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i think shitpot and his clowns will be at a lot of the shows this year mingling in the crowd and eves dropping on lads having a chat together. so be careful any one going to them :thumbs:

he might have a go at the diggin competition at the northern show lol ,yee could use him as back fill

there would be plenty of lads lining up to back fill him :laugh:
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i think shitpot and his clowns will be at a lot of the shows this year mingling in the crowd and eves dropping on lads having a chat together. so be careful any one going to them :thumbs:

he might have a go at the diggin competition at the northern show lol ,yee could use him as back fill

there would be plenty of lads lining up to back fill him :laugh:

and i bet thats not the only ones that wana backfill him, im sure many of his we followers are [bANNED TEXT] up to the onions in his poo chute :laugh:
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well personally lads im goin to try and support more shows this year than usual to show we wont be put of our life by a jumped up marketing rep,its a sure thing they will be snoopin about a few shows but they usually do anyway. if the lads keep their wits with the dogs then what can they do,he dosent really effect me as im south of the border but shit always falls down as they say so we also need to watch,lol i could see that cu*t diggin alright there a right good drop over that edge if i remember for his mates too good hunting kegs

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