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dogs seized in co down

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To Dublin Dezy yes the dogs are there to be worked but it brings the heat on the hunting front in ireland north and south so that was quite a silly thing to say I hunt myself and I enjoy the hunt of a fox and if im honest I steer clear of the boy for these reasons me and my father will have to pull our season to a close early and hope the heat goes away

i think your looking for an angered response from me so i will give you my reasoned response,if you keep within the laws of fox hunting with terriers you wont have a problem.
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i wonder how many c**ts has been interviewed today about molesting kids an not a fuckn word about it

i think its about time this forum was closed to guests. and only peopl with tracable email accounts should be aloud to join


we had a lot of trouble in derby with the anits with dogs not going in to much detail but a lot of the grassing was done by neighbers people watching i dont think u can be to carefull strange people strange cars u know what i am saying some of u have been hunting a long time and i bet u and be carefull we all like to brag and talk about this and that but i know if them antis see or hear a whisper they r on the case so lads just be good and be carefull good luck lads

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Is this the follow up thread to the thread were lads were moaning at a heads up of a member on here ?

It's a thread about dogs seized in co. down, call it what you want. Your a bit slow on it ain't you. Or have u not bothered reading the thread, or have u and your just trying to be a smart ass ?

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i hope the lads get their dogs back, whoever they are, could have been ratting scum or just some nosey pox that got them caught, but i guarentee there will still be plenty of plonkers walking around with smashed up terriers at the shows during the summer, and i'm not talking about some signs of working, i'm talking about smashed up

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