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Rearing Pheasants in pens

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I am thinking of hatching, rearing and releasing some pheasants but I do not know how to go about doing it! I would be greatful if anyone had and advice about constructing pens, hatching/rearing pheasants and releasing them. Thank you!

How many are you thinking about hatching for a start?

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thanks for the advice, so I can start this year? I thought it might be too late?

You wont be getting eggs for hatching till April. Get yourself along to your nearest Game Farm and see if you can get 30 eggs of them and you can set them in an incubator, i'm assuming you have an incubator?

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Whatever you do Jimmy dont listen to that utter f*****g bollocks that Jackboy just wrote there.... :censored: Only thing that will happen there will be you'll be known as a c**t and makje enemies. Stick to realeasing small numbers if thats what suits you mate.... :thumbs:

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Whatever you do Jimmy dont listen to that utter f*****g bollocks that Jackboy just wrote there.... :censored: Only thing that will happen there will be you'll be known as a c**t and makje enemies. Stick to realeasing small numbers if thats what suits you mate.... :thumbs:


:laugh: so you think a shoot releasing 20.000 birds is going to miss 1 or 2 birds being shot on a saturday morning? shit happens and there's sod all the shoot can do about it. Legal or otherwise.

The moral issues have been done to death. Release a few birds and be friends with your neighbour....blatently poach birds across the border and be known as "That prick next door".... :yes:

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