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Out on my own for a bash today

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Well I was hoping to get out and to the ground early doors , didnt happen I over slept and vans not starting : (

So didn't arrive till 10 past ten oh well I had a quick look about and turned my nose up at a steepish bank or two lol that can wait till next week when I have company , anyhow I set the long nets round a nice open field burry : ) I was expecting rabbits but wasn't sure how many a short wait then as I looked around there was about 4 rabbits dotted around in the nets I was off , whilst I was dealing with these more began to hit the nets , I lost one during the fun not to bad and the tally was eventually 15 nice chunky rabbits ear marked for the butchers ; ) works thin on the ground so I thought I'd have a day out and sell the lot , anyway back to the tale , on to a boundary bury not really a hedge a bit of bramble an two lone hawthorns lol still no crawling about in there anymore , long nets out a few purse nets on pop holes and off again ferrets in then a prolonged wait this time then the action began rather me legging it about from side to side dealing with rabbits there was soon a fair pile on the ground, and the action slowed a boxed two of the jills then located the other two feet down a quick scoop through the sandy stuff and through to a stop end another one for the pile and my top girl florance was back in the box, oh I Lost another here with so much action 13 in the pile, I had a snack then gutted this lot out whilst I was in fine fettle sill , I looked lower in the paddock and thought I had located a couple of cracking warrens which would yield more bunnys but for the first time on this patch I drew a blank : ( it looked the bis , then saw my prize on the next two holer disappear out of a pop hole , I think this bit was to low and near to a ditch to wet , I moved back to the infested area and did a couple of two and three hole sets which produced three more felt nice seeing them popping out again , lugging all the gear and now alot of rabbits was a bit much solo, and I still had to gut the other 15 and the three I'd just caught and time was getting on and the temp was dropping , so after lugging 31 rabbits and all the gear back to wear the van was in about three trips I called an end to the day , how I wished I'd never done the lower paddock and gone back to the bank I jibed on first thing I could of had well over fourty for sure hay ho they can wait till nex Friday final day clearing that spot and good numbers again for sure you should see the state of the banks left to do : ) I dropped 15 at a gaime dealers on the way home nice and have 15 for a butcher in the morning : ) so a good day on my own best ever solo day numbers wise was nice enough just being out but knowing you've got a few quid coming to is a plus, Sorry for not lining them up could not be fussed : )










Edited by Jamie m
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