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full moon ferreting...

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anybody tried it?? i have done it, had some great times an some crappy nites, same as ferreting daytime i suppose, anyways moon is on its way up, an i have still got a fair bit a space in me freezers to fill up for the spring/summer coming, so i think ill be doing quite a bit of night ferreting when this moon comes back up, so lets hear your thoughts on ferreting at night :thumbs:

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With ground being so fekin frozen here in north wales i reakon it's only way to get a decent bag for the pot.....not tried it though mate as i dont do ferrets(got bit hard when i was a kid by polecat lol)



Worth a bash though mate



ATB Stevo

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With ground being so fekin frozen here in north wales i reakon it's only way to get a decent bag for the pot.....not tried it though mate as i dont do ferrets(got bit hard when i was a kid by polecat lol)



Worth a bash though mate



ATB Stevo


well my dogs out of lampin action just now, an i still got a fair few bunnys to catch, so i think its ferreting day an night till i fill me boots lol, i have done it in past an have found the majority of bunnys bolt quicker, i shall be out anyways, gotta be in it to win it :D:thumbs:

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used to do alot of night ferreting

usually on places we could'nt go on in the day

its good fun, used to net up and walk the field

get alot back netted


iv been known to do the odd place i shouldnt, but i mainly do the places that are busy during the day, insutrial estates an foot paths or even road sides that are on edge of permission :D

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Accidently did some today!! lost my hob in a warren on a large bank half an hour before dark, in the end I found out that he'd come out of the warren under the brambles and then gone all the way along and out a good 15 - 20 meters away from where I entered him. Finder wasn't picking anything up so I assumed the battery had died but it picked him up when I walked round looking for him. I was looking for him for an hour after dark before I found him, bloody good job I had a torch in my bag!


Albino and warrens out in the open definitely the way forward for night time ferreting!! Poley coloured ones in bramble patches most definitely isn't!!! :laugh:

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attach one of them starlight glow in the dark thingys to its collar easyer to find the ferret :laugh:



i got a load a them given at crimbo lol i used some to tape onto me net pegs last time i had the lad out ferreting at night, helped him stay amused :laugh:

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