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Bunny lover joints a hunting forum?

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Ignore the idiots! It's pretty sound of you to join the site, in search of knowledge, despite your reservations about killing bunnies.     I have killed a crazy numbr of animals in my life, and yet

I'd also recommend the Weihrauch springers. Especially the 95 and 97k's. Fantastic rifles

http://www.hullcartridge.co.uk/downloads/Weihrauch%2007%20Catalogue.pdf   job done Regards   Dean

  On 31/01/2012 at 21:25, Aspudgun said:
  On 31/01/2012 at 21:07, deano26 said:

Welcome......If your looking for a good spring air rifle let me recommend a weihrauch HW77, I have one myself and cant fault it and you can find a set up second hand for not alot really


Hope this help






Thanks Dean. Was looking at some of the weihrauch range, partly the reason I wanted a used one. Out of my price range now.


Now to get familiar with their model numbers o.O




job done :thumbs:




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Welcome mate.....now im not sure if your being serious mate but like as has been said if you like rabbits then this is a very strange site to join...i understand your point on rekindling old hobbies and fair dinkum mate....but seriously you will find an awful lot of post's on this site are of people with thier dog's or rifles out hunting rabbit's. On another note mate if it's info your after info on air rifles then your defo in the right place......many many top air rifle experts here who will help you out no end.


Good luck in your venture's mate



PS=I bet you also watched Watership Down when you was a kid


ATB Stevo

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Ignore the idiots! It's pretty sound of you to join the site, in search of knowledge, despite your reservations about killing bunnies.



I have killed a crazy numbr of animals in my life, and yet there are some i would rather not kill, including doves and anything such as a weasel or stoat, so we all have our foibles. At least you have thought it through. I'd rather a ma who does not want to kill rabbits, than one who wants to kill rabbits just to have killed something.


And i will also support the HW idea - great guns, some of the best on th market.


And as inbred as RA is, he is just taking the piss and is a sound guy.

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  On 07/02/2012 at 11:40, Aspudgun said:
  On 31/01/2012 at 23:10, Rake aboot said:

FFS don`t look !!!!!!!!!!!!


Can you guess what happened next ?????


Yup, thats right,, I ate them raw !!! up yours Potter !! hahahahahaha


Nothing better to do son?



  On 31/01/2012 at 21:07, deano26 said:



job done :thumbs:





Thanks Dean, real helpful to have their range catalogued in a newb friendly manner like that. Model numbers and acronyms make my head hurt when approaching a new hobby.


  On 01/02/2012 at 10:10, StevoSmith said:

Welcome mate.....now im not sure if your being serious mate but like as has been said if you like rabbits then this is a very strange site to join...i understand your point on rekindling old hobbies and fair dinkum mate....but seriously you will find an awful lot of post's on this site are of people with thier dog's or rifles out hunting rabbit's. On another note mate if it's info your after info on air rifles then your defo in the right place......many many top air rifle experts here who will help you out no end.


Good luck in your venture's mate



PS=I bet you also watched Watership Down when you was a kid


ATB Stevo


Yes I'm being serious. I realise it is a strange site to join, and introducing myself as a 'bunny lover' was maybe not the best way to go about things. But it differentiated my thread from all the 'Newbie from X' threads, and got people talking.


It just seems to happen that THL is one of the best forums in the UK for air rifles, I also have no problem with hunting (other than those pesky wabbits) and will no doubt be doing some myself in the near future. So it's not such a bad place, so long as I take inbreds like Rake aboot with a pinch of salt.


On a side note: I have bought a HW97k from these very forums, and have a Hawke Nite-Eye on the way to fit on it. :)


Pm`d yeh mate :thumbs: arse

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Hey mate and welcome.


Had pet rabbits my self some years ago now and just about to invest in some guinea pigs for the kids.


What you choose to squeeze on is your business. Personally can't stand punching paper targets for hours on end. Great information to be had here, just be a little careful how you put your self across, not worth the effort trying to justify your self over your beliefs.



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  On 07/02/2012 at 19:12, Ryder Hurn said:

Hey mate and welcome.


Had pet rabbits my self some years ago now and just about to invest in some guinea pigs for the kids.


What you choose to squeeze on is your business. Personally can't stand punching paper targets for hours on end. Great information to be had here, just be a little careful how you put your self across, not worth the effort trying to justify your self over your beliefs.




I like the way you signed one username using your other username !! nice,, two accounts can be a bugger to keep on top of eh ?? lol

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