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Lunch hour in amongst the bushes

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Went out yesterday with just Tilly and my jill with no nets, lots of cover, lots of warrens but not that many rabbits....always good for getting the dog working in cover though and we usually get some decent runs. First warren on a small hill gets a positive mark, Tilly in position where they normally bolt, jill disappears for a good 5 or 10 minutes and then I spot a rabbit on the other side of the hill bolt and hop in the direction of the next warren, but Tilly hasn't seen it. Out pops the jill so we go over and Tilly is going a lot of sniffing round but doesn't seem interested in the warren. We spend a good few minutes looking round but no other warrens....seems to have done a disappearing act, odd! Moving on we check 3 or 4 more warrens with nothing at home and then she marks at another warren with exits on both side of the fence, and no way through the fence.....50% chance of being on the right side of the fence, hold on no, I'm trying to film a decent run again so the odds are slashed to 0.5% chance of being on the right side of the fence. Sure enough, the footage is nice, good shot of the dog in full concentration mode, sun is shining, it's looking good....then the inevitable bolt on the other side of the fence and Tilly runs the full length to try and cut it off but it bolts into a small warren that's actually though the fence in a business park that have sheep in the field so I can't get to it, bah! (not when people are around anyway! :whistling: )


Back down the hill we check a good 4 or 5 empty warrens and then we've done a loop back to where we've started so I'm thinking that's it for the day. Then Tilly starts sniffing around, she's definitely picked up the scent of something and I'm thinking it's that first rabbit we bolted because it's right next to that hill. She stops and stares at a clump of grass pointer style and then just dives into it and a rabbit bolts, she's on it in a flash and chases it under a barbed wire fence at full pelt hitting the bottom wire on the way through, luckily she's got thick fur and seems to have skin like leather so not even a mark!. The rabbit has gone into a big patch of brambles and as I get there Tilly is ploughing through the brambles like a star, the patch is too big to see both sides though and after 10 minutes of her searching the brambles nothing materialises. I spot a two holer actually in the brambles so get Tilly out and send in the jill, nothing at home so after 5 or 10 minutes of the jill searching the brambles she pops out aswell so we start heading back to the car.


Just before the car Tilly starts showing a very strong interest in a piece of wood covered in ivy under the hedge, so I tell her to stay, go over the turnstile and kick the wood.....sure enough a rabbit bolts but I've left Tilly actually in bushes rather than in the open so she can't run at it imediately, doh! she jumps out of the bushes and chases and as it shoots through the fence she jumps, hits the barbed wire at the top and bounces back (again, unmarked). Steps back, jumps the fence and the rabbit's gone back into the big patch. And I don't have time to go back and find it cos I've got to get back for work.....bloody inconvenience!!


So, another big write up with no bunnys caught, but an enjoyable little session, beat that for a lunch hour (or two :D )...few pics...









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Would you see a rabbit bolting in that cover ? :icon_eek:

Yeah it's not a problem pal, 95% of the warrens are on the edge of the cover rather than actually in it, so when they bolt it tends to be a short sprint between patches of brambles, under and over fences and through ditches into the next warren. Brilliant for watching the dog having to use her brain and agility but we never catch much there. It's ideal for a short session to get the dog working though :thumbs:

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i know what your saying wee bits like that where im no ment to go are great for bushing with the spaniel and lab and trying to get the lurcher a run ,the lurcher really doesn't have a chance but she gets the odd one .

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i know what your saying wee bits like that where im no ment to go are great for bushing with the spaniel and lab and trying to get the lurcher a run ,the lurcher really doesn't have a chance but she gets the odd one .

I reckon with two lurchers I'd catch most of them. Using the ferts it's easier to position the dog in the right place to be bang on it when one bolts, only problem is with one dog if it bolts one way she's on it, if it bolts the other way she's got a lot of catching up to do in a short distance....good entertainment though.

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Aye its more fun than anything else and the odd rabbit or two is a bonus rough on my spaniel though her ears are all scabs and her eyes are bald but try holding the silly old goat back

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What x is the dog looks a lot like my own.Love good day out with out no nets just dog and ferrets

Wheaten/whip/grey x bull/grey, you wouldn't really think she had any bull in her though to be honest, she's only 21tts and about 17kg.


Yeah it's quality isn't it pal, never catch loads but it gives the dog a real good work out and we don't tend to be waiting around very much.

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