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Let me put it another way everyone talks protein now is a piece of steak higher in protein than a piece of belly and do you think the better quality the cut the better for the dog? does it make any difference in the overall performance? i know from experience good cuts of meat will increase a greyhounds times but is it really necessary for a lurcher for work :hmm:

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I reckon thats about spot on ive been accused a lot for the dogs being muscle bound although i like em heavy they can motor and have always done well with old long ears pre ban they also dont shed weight like they do on a poor quality meat diet so need less time off recovering

i am still not convinced about the fats surely there will still be enough fat running through the meat when its trimmed up ive always fed lean and in over twenty years never had a lurcher that was short on energy could they be getting the fats they require from the couple of tins a fish they get a week and the odd bits of oil they get

I wonder what the difference in % in protein from say a piece of sirloin to brisket is it the same as its all beef or will it be different :hmm:

When i first started to feed quality i was running a five year old and a two year old and my mate was running two three year old sisters they were all fed on pet mince and the difference in performance was noticeable to say the least the five year old that was about finished went on another three years and all the

dogs improved a great deal

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Fat is the best source of energy but protein does give you energy too, to a lesser degree. Oil and oily fish both contain energy.


This is the breakdown of analysis for sirloin...bear in mind it's trimmed to 0% fat though




This is the analysis of brisket




Notice the serving sizes are different so you will have to take the analysis in grammes as a percentage of total serving size.

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Cheers for that stabs

something to get me teeth into there mate

Do you know if dogs have a similar conversion rate to humans or is there a lot of difference as vermin dropper said about dogs getting energy from fats and humans from carbs?

Cheers Juckler

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