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Shooting rats with Davy Thomas in Oxfordshire


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Hi lads,


This is Davy’s part and the footage that he recorded on his Sony Handycam of our rat shooting cull a few weeks ago when down at our permission in Oxfordshire.


On this occasion we retrieved 86 bodies with many more shot but not found due to falling down false walls in the barns and being un retrievable.


This footage shows Davy shooting rats very humanely with nice clean head shots using his custom .177 calibre Air Arms S410 and IR300 laser illuminator from WWW.Nite–Hunter.com.


We will be going back again within the next 4 or 5 weeks and will be testing some brand new never yet seen equipment for the channel.


Hope you enjoy






Edited by zini
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There was 1 clip Steve where the barn light was on and I made it black and white but believe me all the shots other than 1 was in the pitch black.


Just goes to show how good the ir is doesnt it pal?


Wait till you see our next visits footage.


Got something special to test.





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thats top flight shooting there davy, full marks to you mate.


just a thought, how about doing a 'how to' ratting vid, showing how to find rat runs, baiting, lamping and nv etc, something to put between all the headshots maybe?


cheers, wurz

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