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Mussies in Paris.

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I work with some french lads and they are the same me, wanting out of there home country is being over run by these stinking ragheads :( but unfortunately Sweden has its fair share to, not as many mind but they are getting there foot more and more in the door :wallbash: today i heard slovenia is a white mans paradise, no f*****g muslim rights, no f*****g hunting ban, cheap food and drink and beautiful women lol might take a trip over there soon ;)

Edited by lurcher1
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Jesus I gotta stop reading these kind of posts it's bloody depressing.


France has 6-7 million of them and we're no where close to 10% of the population. Lets keep it that way!


Are you sure,cos no-one knows how many are here !!

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Jesus I gotta stop reading these kind of posts it's bloody depressing.


France has 6-7 million of them and we're no where close to 10% of the population. Lets keep it that way!


Are you sure,cos no-one knows how many are here !!


You're right...all we know is there's too bloody many.


Went to our local farm shop on a friday and there's a mosque near it...they had parked their cars all over the grass verges...no respect at all dirty pigs. I've never seen anything like it round here.


So we're moving on before we get swamped

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