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did the bank make a profit though? did its share price go up? this is one thing i dont agree on with you mate


The bank has reduced it's liabilities (ie things which are so bad it is hopeless, like a loan to Greece) by £600 million, so that is less money to find if it goes breasts skywards!

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It just pisses me off [bANNED TEXT] companys are makeing the finacial difficulty the countrys in to make wage freezers and such like to the ordinary man and woman who goes out to work day in day out then bonuses like this are offerd not forgeting those at the top their wages have gone up.The saying were all in it together wat a load of bollox.

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The storm about the bonus for this guy and other top banking people is nonsense!!.......not giving them a million quid bonus is like telling most blokes they cant have a hundred quid bonus because its too much!!


Its f*****g peanuts!!..........this odd semi-communist mentality we have in this country about people getting paid a lot of money is what holds us back as a trading nation.


If you buy a new bentley in the USA, people will congratulate you.........if you buy it in England, they want to run a key down the side of it..........what a shit mentality to have.

If anyone resents a bloke getting paid a lot of money because they themselves dont have it then they deserve to be f*****g poor!

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Compare what he has done compared to stupid overpaid footballers. He took on a job of turning round a failing bank and WOULD ONLY have got his bonus if the share price had continued to climb for 2 years. So he has kept a bank afloat - he has kept a lot of people in work and if he took his share bonus he could have sold them and put even more money back into the economy. I think he deserves credit for what he has done - if that bank goes bust then the taxpayer loses out even more because we own so much of it.

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How can the guy not getting his bonus shares,of which he is due,make anyone feel better about it ie:"i am on minimum wage but at least he hasn`t got his shares"????. I could not give a monkeys what anyone earns apart from me. The politics of jealousy is a nasty thing. I would wager a bet that a starving african child would be more jealous of your evening meal tonight than you are of the guys bonus shares :hmm:

Edited by jessdale
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I don't know if this attitude of the masses hating anybody doing well for themselves is related to the recent economic hard times or has always been about but I get pissed off listening to people pissing and whining about it.


Life isn't fair, anybody that told you it was lives in a fairy tale.


I wish I had a multi million pound bussiness, a garage full of flash cars and a lingerie model as my girl friend but I dont'. That's just life.


f**k me, I feel depressed now..... LOL

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He handed it back as well! What a tit... But as everyone's said... It's only pocket change to him anyway :)


Yeh but it's not like the guy's got a choice.


If he didn't he'd become a hate figure for the loonies....

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