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first time out on a new permission 27/01/12

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went to a new permission i had on sat morning bright and earlly.was cold and the grass was rock hard. upon getting there the farmer told us that there is a dead sheep in one of the fields and there where lots and lots of crows feeding on it, so of up the fields we go trying to stay close to the edges so can peep over to see whats going on, as soon as we had a little peep off they went so we decided to make a hide and wait for them to come back. after about 10 min they started to come back but were really warey and didnt land just flew in circles upove us. so we thot bugger this went back to the car put the air rifles in the boot and got the 12g's out any way we managed 6 pidgeons and 4 crows, seen a few rabbets but outer range. plan for this friday go there early morn before sun rise set up a hide with a few decoys and lets see what we can get :hmm::boogy:

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