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My lurcher Cloudy

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Heres a pic of a dog I bought in Nottingham in 85.It was Saluki/g.h.XCollie/g.h.

Cloudy as I called him was a real good all round dog,he took many hares,he had tons of stamina.If he didnt catch the hare in the first field he wore down his quarry with persevarence.He was also some animal on the lamp,in one night he took 42 rabbits a hare and a fox single handed.I must admit when I was in my 20's I was into the numbers game,but he always did the job for me.When this dog died due to hitting a scratching stone for cattle in the centre of a field I didnt keep another lurcher for 8 years.I would have been comparing any dog to him and it wouldnt have been fair.now I'm back and got my head sorted again and in the throes of basic training my new lurcher.

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Guest Boston
  jigsaw said:




Heres a pic of a dog I bought in Nottingham in 85.It was Saluki/g.h.XCollie/g.h.

Cloudy as I called him was a real good all round dog,he took many hares,he had tons of stamina.If he didnt catch the hare in the first field he wore down his quarry with persevarence.He was also some animal on the lamp,in one night he took 42 rabbits a hare and a fox single handed.I must admit when I was in my 20's I was into the numbers game,but he always did the job for me.When this dog died due to hitting a scratching stone for cattle in the centre of a field I didnt keep another lurcher for 8 years.I would have been comparing any dog to him and it wouldnt have been fair.now I'm back and got my head sorted again and in the throes of basic training my new lurcher.

The very best of luck with the new pup, but I bet you'll still end up compairing him to your old dog. After all he sounded a cracking dog!!

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Cloudy was a very obedient dog,he once retrieved a mallard I shot from a lake,I couldnt believe it when he did it.I could get him sitting and staying and walk the length of two football pitches and then call him,he used to watch the other side of the ditch when I ferreted on my own.I doubt I'll ever have one like him again but I live in hope :laugh:

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Paddy your going on hearsay I expect as you were still a filthy thought in your dadas mind then :laugh: There was lots more rabbits about then too and we had the run of the country,no problem getting permission.Things were much simpler then and we had youth on our side :( I feel a blue period coming on)Those were the days Paddy me lad, :victory: i used to go out in the winter a 4 p.m. and get back for 11 or 12 with a great big bag of bunnys and a dam tired dog.

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Guest Frank
  jigsaw said:
Paddy your going on hearsay I expect as you were still a filthy thought in your dadas mind then :laugh: There was lots more rabbits about then too and we had the run of the country,no problem getting permission.Things were much simpler then and we had youth on our side :( I feel a blue period coming on)Those were the days Paddy me lad, :victory: i used to go out in the winter a 4 p.m. and get back for 11 or 12 with a great big bag of bunnys and a dam tired dog.




Bring them days back. :yes:;)



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Guest Boston
  jigsaw said:
Paddy your going on hearsay I expect as you were still a filthy thought in your dadas mind then :laugh: There was lots more rabbits about then too and we had the run of the country,no problem getting permission.Things were much simpler then and we had youth on our side :( I feel a blue period coming on)Those were the days Paddy me lad, :victory: i used to go out in the winter a 4 p.m. and get back for 11 or 12 with a great big bag of bunnys and a dam tired dog.


Your making me laugh as this was the kind of thing my grandad would come out with as he'd pat you on the head and hand you 1/2 penny over telling you to spend it wisely :icon_eek: ... after all it would have been a full weeks pay in his day.

May you have many good years left of hunting left in yer :)

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  paddy said:
  jigsaw said:

Paddy your going on hearsay I expect as you were still a filthy thought in your dadas mind then :laugh: There was lots more rabbits about then too and we had the run of the country,no problem getting permission.Things were much simpler then and we had youth on our side :( I feel a blue period coming on)Those were the days Paddy me lad, :victory: i used to go out in the winter a 4 p.m. and get back for 11 or 12 with a great big bag of bunnys and a dam tired dog.

;););) ,that was around the time too mixi was introduced locally??


NOOOO Paddy that was in the 60's when I was just a filthy thought in my dadas mind :laugh: Are you trying to say the reason I had big bags was because the rabbits were all myxi,you scoundrel you :no: I think pistols at dawn are in order SIR.


i'm into patting on the head too but only if shes on her knees and doing a damn fine JOB(get it JOB!!!!!!) :laugh::laugh: Yeah and a half penny seems a fair price too, :clapper:

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