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Few Hours Dead Baiting!

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Having blanked the last two times ive been spinning on the canal, me and a couple of mates decided to try a bit of dead baiting again as we havent done any for a while.

My mate had been hassling a woman farmer to let us fish her big pond for ages and she finally gave in and let a few of us go up and try it out. She had stopped people fishing on it as a wall at one end wasnt safe and some foreigners had been knocking the big fish on the head and taking them home to eat so spoilt it for everyone else.

We set off today all bait and tackle ready, gets up to the water only for it to be frozen around most edges but middle was frost free, so we decide to go ahead and try it for a couple of hours at least. We set up in one corner, where the ice ran for about 6 foot out and then water. Three rods out two on trout and one on roach, we sat there for hours, each bringing in the line and then re-casting every now and then, then finally the first fish came in, decent pike and worth waiting for, shame it wasnt on the end of my rod but im getting used to that by now!




Ive noticed that normally, once someone gets one pike takes a bait, you usually dont have to wait long for the next one to come and within the next 40 mins, bang my other mate was in, starts bringing it, but struggles getting it away from the ice in front, hes trying to stop the line from rubbing against it, he gets the pike to the top, it starts thrashing, then ping, the line snaps on the edge of the ice, hes gutted, but i was hoping the next run would be mine. Another hour or so went by and nothing happend, then bang my mate who lost one earlier was in again this time he lands it,im gutted still havent had a bloody bite yet!


By now we now all on the same bait and im thinking the worst im not going get a bite at all, we waited a few more hours and nothing else happened and by now i couldnt feel my feet at all, the were like blocks of ice themselves, so yet again another trip out and another blank day for me, but i got to see a few nice fish, maybe next time.


But i did get to act a little childish......dont eat yellow snow?


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Yeah i dont mind too much went i dont catch, it certainly makes it easier if you get to see some good fish. Ill keep trying though, im sure when i starting hooking into the pike, it will be a size well worth the wait.......Fingers crossed anyway haha! :blink:

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