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bull crosses old hat

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i got 2 they are teh best hard as fk and kill evrthin me n my mates wont hav nothin els cos these lika maschin



Its just a shame that owners arn,t as decent and sensible as you and your mates seem to be .

Edited by asanley
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I certainley hope they do thin out mate. Too many cocks and wannabes have latched onto the breed purely for the "look at me im hard" factor. In the right hands this breed has alot to offer to lurcher

What's it like to own a dog with a higher iq than yourself?

not quite , there is no lurcher out there that will give 100% on every quarry like a (well bred) bullx. Its not saying they are the best lurcher, its the tenacity that you get from the x, that no othe

There not in decline quite the opposite really n that's the problem not enough homes for them a lot r having to give them away there probably the most common dog u see in the buy n sell papers getting passed on between the 1 n 2 year age bracket think a lot of the young chavs get this cross when they get into lamping then get sick n move onto something else sad really

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All i hear is bull x this or bull x that , give me a well bred dhxcolliexgreyhound any day would do anything a bull x can do

not quite , there is no lurcher out there that will give 100% on every quarry like a (well bred) bullx. Its not saying they are the best lurcher, its the tenacity that you get from the x, that no other x can give that makes the differnt fact .!! from chasing a 2lb rabbit to a 100 lb deer, they will give the same on both quarry :yes:
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Bird sorry but I have to disagree.... You would be right if we were back in the days of the fighting pits etc but now they have been out x'sd so much they don't have it in them as much.


I've been in this game for about 15yr, in that time I've seen my fair share of these dogs graft and im talking proper graft not your run of the mill bunny Charlie ... Think about it your average dickhead with his big bull x head like a bucket built like a shithouse what use is it apart from dragging so called dickhead to the job centre to sign on hence the term "giro dogs" every divvy has either a staff or bull x bigger the better they then breed the staff to his mates lurcher and you get a "proper top working dog" out of top parents!!! Intact as most of the posts say basically they are shite x shit giving you the end result SHITE!!


Am not saying they are all crap n should die out as I own 2 myself but id not pay 150, 200quid its 50quids all day long cause its not what you think you know its who you know, good litters aren't advertised only the shite ones are you get the odd few that are good but not many, if you think that's wrong why is it so hard to get hold of a top bred coursing dog then when you do they are always 400 plus?? Its cause they are kept in close circles the shite/failed will come available as its shite its the same with bull x's of today

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Bird sorry but I have to disagree.... You would be right if we were back in the days of the fighting pits etc but now they have been out x'sd so much they don't have it in them as much.


I've been in this game for about 15yr, in that time I've seen my fair share of these dogs graft and im talking proper graft not your run of the mill bunny Charlie ... Think about it your average dickhead with his big bull x head like a bucket built like a shithouse what use is it apart from dragging so called dickhead to the job centre to sign on hence the term "giro dogs" every divvy has either a staff or bull x bigger the better they then breed the staff to his mates lurcher and you get a "proper top working dog" out of top parents!!! Intact as most of the posts say basically they are shite x shit giving you the end result SHITE!!


Am not saying they are all crap n should die out as I own 2 myself but id not pay 150, 200quid its 50quids all day long cause its not what you think you know its who you know, good litters aren't advertised only the shite ones are you get the odd few that are good but not many, if you think that's wrong why is it so hard to get hold of a top bred coursing dog then when you do they are always 400 plus?? Its cause they are kept in close circles the shite/failed will come available as its shite its the same with bull x's of today


well when i had a litter whitch i bred for my self i put the rest up for sale as i didnt want any of the clowns up my way to have one. not because i couldnt get rid of them local.

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Lets face it you buy with your eyes, and a young lad in a mans world will go for a mascullin looking dog like a bull than a beddy whippet, shame cos if i was starting up and wanted to take a chance on a worker one of the other types like a beddy or collie x is were id take my chances, id only ever go for a bull out of a reputable strain,at the end of the day a running dog has to be able to run. its all about supply and demand and people will capitalise on this by breeding bulls x to make money, its a shame how 1 cross can seem to draw in the ill informed

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Guy, not just the bull x also saluki x too look how many litters they are, a few year ago you'd pay upto 1000 for a saluki now they are 50-450 another breed mass produced and gone to shite lol


Hullhunter as I typed not every litter is crap most are though.

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I certainley hope they do thin out mate. Too many cocks and wannabes have latched onto the breed purely for the "look at me im hard" factor. In the right hands this breed has alot to offer to lurcher world but sadly its the negative side of the breed that seems to be hitting the limelight just recentley. This breed has been on the circuit for many years now but in the past ten years or so has reached nigh on plague proportions. Hopefully its hit a high that cannot be surpassed so the only way for it now is a steady decline. I for one will be glad when this happens. Atb stabba

well seid... :thumbs: ..ATB..B

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sad but true ,the bull x is as common as an arsehole and are getting noticed at shows smashed to bits and young lads thinking its great.the young lads that have them are only out for blood and carnage and getting everybody else noticed.Back in the day we would breed terrier or lurchers and keep a select few amongst our selves .no body local would get 1 for love nor money.that what should have been done with most the dogs nowadays instead its a get rich quik scheme ,lets sell tom dick and harry a big headed bull x and watch them ruin the countryside.

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I dont mind bull x's but i personally will not own one...in the right hand's they are cracking dog's but sadly they is too many mentally challenged people owning them..it's the like's of them people that make's me want to see a decline in the number's..

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I dont mind bull x's but i personally will not own one...in the right hand's they are cracking dog's but sadly they is too many mentally challenged people owning them..it's the like's of them people that make's me want to see a decline in the number's..


the real lads with the right stuff will never let them decline,but you cant stop peddlers.

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